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Ex dating an old friend of hers...

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So my ex fiance has now told me via txt that she is dating that very old friend of hers, and that she has wanted him for "way too long" but has been denying it.


All I wanna do is punch a wall, but its not worth the injury. It bothers me coz shes sitting on top of the world and Im sitting here hurting like hell and complaining to you guys.


How can someone get engaged to someone else when they want some old friend of theirs? or is this rebound at its best? Im so angry and sad at the same time. Its so awful. Its like 3 years didnt matter at all to her, just down the freaking drain. How can someone do that??


Ive been in NC for three days, and she pops in every now and then with some txt like that to make me hurt or something. All thats happening is that she gets her way and I hurt more....yay.



On another note, has this happened with any dumper here? Where they dated an old friend after a breakup? Does this really mean that the 3 years I had with her were "fake"?


Ehhh...how much heartache can a human being take...

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Hey, who cares. Move on. Seriously, the best thing for you to do now is to move on and let her live her life without you. You spent 3 years together and that is a lot more memorable than being her friend for 6 years. Obviously you were doing something right if you two were together for so long. The 3 years you had with her were not fake. If they were then you wouldnt have been together for so long. Trust me when I say move on. Go read some of the older posts on this forum. Do you really want to be the guy who is still posting on here a year after the breakup about how you ex still hasnt come back. I know I dont want to be that person. There are other people out there. Go out, have some fun being single.


I have only been single for 3 months now after 4 years and I am starting to really enjoy it. No one to answer to, I can do whatever I want when I want. Yes I miss my ex a lot but I dont want to be with someone who cannot love me like I love them. I am a great person and I see it now. After the breakup I felt like I was worthless but I know now, that I was better to her than most people will be.


Take a month or 2 of NC to heal yourself and then reexamine yourself. You will realize that you are a good person and you will find someone. You will be a lot stronger than you were and you will also become a better person than you were. I am starting to realize that everythign happens for a reason. I have learned so much about myself, relationships, love since the breakup. My ex was my first real love and this was my first real heartbreak. I have felt the pain and I now know what real love is. I have learned to be happy with myself, by myself and no one can take that from me.


You dont need anyone to make you happy. You only need yourself. Eventaully in time, maybe she will realize what a huge mistake she made and when she comes back, you will have moved on and found someone 10x better. Do NC, b/c as a person who was completely against it in the beginning, I have realized that its the best way.


I have a friend who has like 5 girls who would do anything for him. They basically throw themselves at him. I asked him how he does it, and he says, he isnt really sure. He just doesnt really care if they stop talking to him or not. They always come to him and its never the other way around. Also, he is no brad pitt, he just has a lot of confidence in himself.

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Humans can take more heartache than, hopefully, you will ever experience.


Think yourself lucky you got out of the relationship when you did - sending you that text was a cruel thing to do. Very unnecessary.

Are you still talking to her?


It should not be of your concern that she has moved on.

I know, it must eat you up that you can be so low when she is finding new romance - but nothing is ever that simple.


I would suggest letting her know that you do not want further contact with her.

If it is torturing you this much, and you do not have any kind of benefit from communicating with her - it may be better to cut the ties.


Take care.

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I agree with darkblue, you should tell her to stop getting in touch with you. She obviously has no idea of the pain she is causing you. Tell her you DONT want to know what she is up to, you DONT care how she is doing and hopes she will be very happy with her new BF and to leave you the hell alone.

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I'm sorry LostBird, not for 3 years of you being with her, but for her doing this to you! I CANNOT understand why she keeps doing this and putting you through this! I told you in your other post people who act like that are only trying to hurt the other person! Either that or she is so wrapped up in herself she doesn't care who she hurts in the process.


As cliche as this sounds, and I know it does be happy you didn't get married to her....good bye and good ridence. Frickin' text her back and tell her you don't give a rip and to stop texting you. Don't tell her that it hurts you when she does that because believe me she has to know, just tell her you two are broke up and you don't care about who she is dating or why!

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