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No Contact Is The Only Way!!!

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All this talk about No Contact is right on the money, nothing can help you heal, while at the same time, increasing your chances of reuniting with your ex, like going NC. Today is Thanksgiving, and it is a time when those of us who are hurting are longing to hear from the ex. Temptation is strong to contact them, but you must not do it. If they contact you, ignore it, knowing they are contacting you should make you feel good in itself, but don't send yourself tumbling downward by answering that call, it will only cause pain. Not contacting the ex during the holidays will send them a strong message. You must stick to this and not get weak, or you will find yourself back at the starting line again, dealing with all of your pain once more. Move on as best you can, take care of yourself, try to meet new people, and take your mind off things. No Contact is the best and only medicine for a broken heart, the only cure. After weeks or months of NC, you will find yourself healing nicely or even totally healed. One day, out of the blue, you will hear from the ex, and chances are they will be wanting to talk about more then the weather. Now suddenly the roles have reversed, and you are in control now. You may even find that you have no desire to even pick up that call, its magic, you are cured!!! If you do decide to listen to what the ex has to say, at least you will finally be talking to them with a clear head, thinking with your head and not your heart. Maybe at some point you will get back together, but on your terms, of course. No contact works wonders, don't underestimate the power of it people, use it, and be thankful for it this thanksgiving holiday!!!

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In certain circumstances, No Contact is the best route.


The holiday period can be a challenging time, as you watch other couples happy in eachother's company, and you begin to reminsce - but you know your situation better than anyone on any board.

Use your better judgement and don't allow the vast amount of time and memories cloud your logic.


Happy holidays.

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Hey guys, I just wanted to pop in and say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here at enotalone. I'm having a great time with the family and also sticking to NC. I do have those feelings still about how great it was a year ago, but I'm trying to ignore them and having a great time anyway. So far so good and my ex has not tried to call today, yet. I'm not answering or calling. I sure do hope she'll get the message. Well thanks again for all of the great advice and cheers Good luck to everyone!



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I hope everyone who was doing NC for the thanksgiving holiday maintained it. We need to be especially strong during this time of year, as memories of the past come creeping back into our heads and make us desire the ex even more. We must put those memories away and think of something else, whatever it takes do not give in. Christmas and New Years will be an even bigger temptation to buckle and call the ex, but dont do it. Stay strong and you will benefit

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Thanks Regret...this post helped me out a lot during this past week. It's been a little over 3 months since my breakup and it's been rough. I held NC for a month and a half then the calls started coming in. After a while I started answering, that's when I thought I was strong enough. I did get an apology for how she just walked away without saying anything and she mentioned that anything was possible for us down the road...So I thought that was it...well she kept calling every week or so and I started getting mixed signals so I asked her to coffee, twice. She asked for a rain check on both?? That is still stumping me...so I told her that I don't want to be good friends right now and that I'm getting hurt by these calls and how she kept wanting to know everything about my life now that she was gone...basically playing games. So I went back to NC. It's been a week and half, but I did get 2 calls from her last weekend. Probably regarding the holiday coming up and I did not answer them. But I held strong to send a strong message that I deserve to be treated better by her and if she wants me in her life then I should be a higher priority. This past week was very hard for me. Last year we had an amazing time together, and this year was missing something for sure, for me. I can only hope that by me not calling made her think what a great thing we had going and that she shouldn't have just walked away. I'm actually going out on a date tonight and have been talking to different girls, but none of them have giving me that feeling that I had with my ex. I'm not leading these girls on and am being very upfront with them, but when I met my ex for the first time we had that spark right away. Like it was ment to be...I keep looking for that spark and I hope that I'll either find it or that my ex comes back to me. I've played it pretty cool with her this whole time hoping that will give me another chance. I'm looking forward and not dwelling on it like I used to, but this post really helped me out a lot and gave me a little hope that anything is possible. All I can do is have patience, stick to NC, go out on dates, talk to new people, and hopfully one day she'll come around...Thanks again for this post and I hope I fall into one of those catigories where the ex did come back so I can post my happy ending. I appreciate it, thanks.



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