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Ok....My boyfriend lives about and hour away from me. I love him deeply. But there is this guy that goes to my school and really likes me. I liked him before I satrted dating my boyfriend. I still like the other guy...but not as much as I like my boyfriend. This other guy is right there at my school. What should I do? I am confused and could really use some help here. PLEASE.


P.S, hope45 if you are reading this: my good_charlotte_freak one wouldn't work so this is my new one. Please sned OUR private messages to this one now. Thanx

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Well its sort of like the choice between McDonalds and a good restaurant isn't it.


Maccas is always close and fast but you usually feel bad and guilty after eating it.


The good restaurant is harder to find and takes longer to get a meal but is ultimately more satisfying.


(to all members....I quite like this analogy and hereby copyright it )

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Well, I agree with Melrich (I love your analogy!).


You also said you like this guy, but not as much as your boyfriend. So stick with your boyfriend! Sure this other guy is closer, but I think you should stick with your current boyfriend, especially if you are happy, secure and loved the way you are with your boyfriend...


I mean, if you weren't happy with your current then I would say "Yeah, go for it" but there's no point breaking up a perfectly good relationship.

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The ultimate question would be... If you really love your boyfriend why are you even considering this..?


He's not a car that you can just trade-in for a better one, its wrong.


Everyone has the ability to fall in love with more than one person. You need to understand that it can happen and make sure you take measures to prevent it.


If you're happy in your current relationship you'll set up boundaries for yourself so that you don't develop feelings for another. Playing with fire usually gets you burnt...

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There is a difference between the right person and the right now person. (And think you computer guy for beating me to that line )


Do you love your boyfriend? Yes? Then why ruin a good relationship for what could be a passing fancy? There is a reason this person is your boyfriend, remember those reasons.

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