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6 weeks NC :: Ended 3 months +

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I havent posted for a while, and reading back on my posts i feel i have came a long way in healing.


6 weeks ago i met my ex and she basically told me she was with someone else, who she is now (referring to other posts about how they can move on so fast is beyond me, we were together for 6 years)


Anyway when she told me this, i told her to never contact me again..it lasted a week if i recall with her texting every week wanting to know how i am.


The last two weeks i knew i would have some peace as she was going on holiday with her family (wedding) and she was coming back this week. As you will guess the day she returned she text me still wanting to know how i am and telling me she had a good holiday.


I deleted the text and didnt reply, and it has kind of shook up my week.


Anyway i suppose as its been sometime since we broke up, i feel kind of cruel for never replying even though im doing it for my own good.


I guess im becoming weak and starting to feel i should reply, but i know it will cause me more grief and pain.

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I agree. Be strong and Don't let her push your buttons. Who cares what she thinks anymore? She just can't handle the fact that you are doing so well. And if she keeps it up, get yourself a new phone or sim card and be free of her once and for all. Trust yourself and your head, you dont need this.

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Texting to ask you how you feel is one way of manipulating. If she really respected and cared for you she wouldnt call or text after being told not to. Its like making sure that she has you in reserve till she can go out and explore.

Dont fall for this bait because once you do you will feel terrible. Your mind will go into the loop of "i replied but why didnt she repy back, what does she mean by this and that etc".

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