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Something curious happened tonite. When I was leaving the dining hall, I passed this girl who I was interested in most recently but cancelled one me due to schoolwork twice and from whom I moved on. Some of you may remember who I'm talking about. Anyways, She said "Hi, Mark" and I said "Hi Ally" back. anyways the only thing she really asked me was had I been busy recently. I told her sort of not really depending on the perspective. Anyways, then she said that she had been really busy and then her friend came and talked to her and she went off. I can't remember if she said "bye" or not.

Now, I'm not falling backwards or anything but it's just kind of strange that rather than asking me how I was or have been, she asked had I been busy and then told me that she has been really busy. We basically haven't spoken since I left the message she never returned 3 weeks ago.




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you asked her out, right?


I know what you're thinking. You want to believe that she said she has been busy, and she's hoping for you to ask her out.


Well you can ask her out. You'll get your answer there.






Think, she can probably come up with something better than "I have been busy" if she wants to go out with you - after all you asked her out so she KNOWS you like her. There's no risk for her to ask you out. Be careful so that you don't get hurt again, you're not over her yet.

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Now, I'm not falling backwards or anything but it's just kind of strange that rather than asking me how I was or have been, she asked had I been busy and then told me that she has been really busy. We basically haven't spoken since I left the message she never returned 3 weeks ago.





Thoughts? I don't really see why this deserves any further contemplation. I wouldn't have thought twice about it, nor tried to figure out any hidden meanings... it means nothing.

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