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i cant get to sleep at night. i have never had this problem before. usually i fall asleep within 10 minutes. i started the late shift at work (1:30-10:30)- that may have something to do with it, although i've been on that shift for the past 3 weeks and its never been as bad as it is this week. I come home, sit around and watch tv episodes until i can fall asleep. eventually i turn off the tv and just try to sleep.. this is eventually at 2 in the morning, i give up with trying to fall asleep and take a couple tylenol and drink some hot tea and that can do the trick. but now today... i've taken 3 tylenol, and i still cannot sleep. its nearly 3 in the morning. i've been trying to get to sleep until midnight. I'm not even feeling tired right now. i feel like i could stay up all night and not notice a difference. The only reason i don't stay up all night is cuz there is nothing to do, and all i feel like doing is sleeping. I don't like the night. I'd really like to sleep through it, if i could. I get really anxious in the morning when i wake up too... I feel like buying some hard alcohol and taking a couple shots before i go to bed just so i can get some sleep. When I'm trying to fall asleep stupid things occupy my mind, like usually how much my feet hurt. my feet really hurt. the worst part is, i got this new job a few months ago and its a sit down job.. i don't even stand on my feet at all, i don't even walk very far to get there... its all sitting, and yet still, my feet hurt worse than they ever did... and i used to have a job where i'm on my feet all day. Again, never had this problem. I think I'm going insane cuz I've been laying in bed trying to get to sleep for so long, i actually screamed and jumped out of bed and hear i am. i'm really aggravated. I'm really cranky too, during the day. I JUST WANT SOME SLEEP. Honestly, if this continues, i'm seriously considering suicides... for other reasons too of course. The depression is worse than ever. Anyways thats just me going crazy, don't pay any mind to that, but if anyone can please help me i would REALLY appreciate it. Thanks.

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Hey Blue Skittles!

I was wondering why I haven't seen you online so much .


Try exercising after work - get down to the gym.

Avoid eating too much before you attempt to sleep - as it can lie in your stomach all night.

Do Not rely on medication to send you to sleep. You will become depedant on it after a while.

The same goes for alcohol.


Your depression will probably be exaggerated because of the lack of sleep.

So hopefully you can get this sorted, and the depression will ease.


Take care of yourself.

Talk to you later,


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When i started working the 3pm to 11 pm shift at a gas station, the very same happened to me. i would never get to sleep (or even force myself to lay down) until about 3 am. it drove me crazy! I would come home very tired, but no sleep would come. what ended up happening was i would just sleep in longer in the morning so that I got enough sleep. if you cant do this, try some sleep aids. I have depression, too, and I would go to the doctor and see what he/she could do for BOTH broblems.

You have changed your schedule and your body is trying very hard to adjust. it takes time, i can assure you.

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Hey thanks for the replies both of you, I appreciate it.


I will definitely take in the suggestions, its just so frustrating to sit there awake for so long and the worse part is this morning i was up at 9 am, wide awake, when i finally got to sleep at 4. I think another thing i am going to try is to go get a good book and start reading before i go to bed rather than watching tv. Reading really makes my eyes tired so maybe i'll fall asleep better that way. And its so easy to get lost in a good book, that could take up the hours until i get tired, rather than staring at some boring tv show, or watching a movie i've watched 20 times over. I never much liked watching tv. Anyways, again thanks for the help let me know if you come accross any good suggestions.

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reading is a really good idea it really does help. for about 5 months up until this past week i've been averageing on about 3 hours of sleep a night and it was just from not being able to fall asleep. i found reading a book put me to sleep faster. ( it only kept averageing out so low because i kept waking up in the night because of different reasons each time). tv never really seemed to help me much and i've hear the music was saposta help. i've tried the music and continue to have it on but i don't see any difference in having it on or off. just by having it on it's easierto tell what time it is when i wake up instead of trying to turn on a light to see my watch......

anyways good luck and i hope you find somethign that works.

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