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could he have keyed my car?


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i came back from the date last night. this morning my dad tells me that new scratches were found on the car again. it's been keyed, again.


everytime i go over to his place, i park in his apartment complex. the first time we found scratches on the roof, we thought they were from tree branches. but now all four corners of the car have been keyed, it's very obvious that a person did it....tree branches dont make marks like that.


i started parking on the opposite side of the apartment complex, still close enough to it but separated by bushes. but this morning, there were new scratches! it is a very nice new car.


i feel guilty to my parents. i feel bad because they dont deserve that. i feel bad because im indirectly to blame. what should i do?? if i ever get to drive it again, where should i park??


my parents think he did it. but they've never met him and dont know what he's like. the first few times it was scratched and i thought about it....he was always around me the whole night....either in the apartment, or going someplace with me...... i was always there. would there have been a way he could do it without me seeing??? i am so puzzled.


but this time i left him next to the car while i ran into the store. (he was smoking). so.....could he have? i hate to think he would be such a sick, mentally ill person. i mean......it didn't seem like it but.....who else could it have been? this has never happened so i am puzzled.


..........gah!! if it wasnt him, where would be a good place i could find to park where it wouldnt get keyed??

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Some more background would be nice. I'm assuming "he" is the man you're currently seeing?


If he has been around you the whole night the times this has happened, it's unlikely it's him. However, it is possible he managed to sneak away for a couple of minutes to do it. Keying a car doesn't take long. Or, it's possible someone this man knows is doing it. A jealous ex?


If this is happening every single time you park there, and you're willing to let it get keyed again you could set up a sting operation with the help of someone you trust. Part the car in a spot it's been keyed before, and have a friend park somewhere nearby in a car with tinted windows, a video camera, a cell phone (for the cops), and a lot of patience.


Or, if you just want it to stop completely, you're going to have to start parking very far away (a 10 minute walk maybe?) and walking the rest of the distance.


Do you personally have any reason to suspect your BF would do this? Why do your parents suspect him?

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Why don't you just ask him, and see what he says. Or better, maybe you could plant a small hidden camera close by where you park, and see who's really doing this to your nice car. That is super mean for someone to do that to anyone's new car. I hope you find out who is doing it.

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Im voting jilted ex - more specifically one of his. Did he have a messy break up semi-recently or one that involved an obssessive ex? My best suggestion is to go to the police with your b/f and see if they can offer any advice. Also it MAY be an idea to introduce your b/f to your parents - especially if they are a little untrusting of him. It will make them less likely to feel like you are trying to hide something, and if they know him they are more likely to trust him.


Also does it happen to any other cars around there at all or yours specifically? it could just be a bad neighbourhood or a bad neighbour as well that just doesnt like your b/f for whatever reason.


Edit: I really dont think it's her b/f - it defeats all forms of logic in any circumstance unless he was trying to get rid of her.

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Maybe so, but if you ask him in a different way, not like you are accusing him. Like for example, "have you noticed that I have been getting key scratches on my nice new car." "what do you think I could do to fix this problem." After you tell him that, ...then look and listen to how he answers.

If you feel uncomfortable with telling him about what's happening to your new car, then the next best idea would be to do the hidden camera thing or else just park 1/2 to 1 block away from where you normally park. I wish you luck.

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It's also possible a completely random person is doing this. If it's a really nice car, and someone who is jealous and spiteful enough happens to walk by with some keys when no one else is there - they'll have a go at it. In order for this to be the case, it would have to be someone who lives nearby.


teacup: Is your car one of the nicest in the parking lot? A lot better than the ones around it?


If it's not much better than those around it, then I would rule this out.

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it looks much nicer, and newer than the other cars. i think it stands out...like it's a white car. urgh.....how far or where would i have to park to stop this from happening?


i think i have to not take the car for awhile and just get dropped off and picked up.


but mabe eventually i can find a spot somewhere else....the question being how far away and where is it usually good to park cars to keep them from being keyed?

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