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Is it possible to love two people?

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Hi i have a big problem


I think i'm in love with two people- one my current boyfriend and the other a colleague. I know this colleague likes me as he has expressed a lot of interest in me and we and good friends. I love them both to pieces and want to be with them both but could never cheat! this is the worst ive ever felt in my life because i dont know whether to break up with my boyf and go with the colleague or stay with my boyf and forget the colleague. I know i cant have both BUT I CAN'T choose! If i'm thinking about the colleague a lot then surely i cant love my boyf but i do- he's my best friend and i could never imagine being without him so why am i thinking and dreaming about this guy from work- (i secretly want him so bad)


i know this sounds really stupid of me but how do i chose?

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To be in love with 2 people at the same time, I guess anything is possible. If your boyfriend and other friend finds out that you share the same feelings for the both of them...one of them or maybe both of them may leave you. It probably would be safe and smart for you to make a decision. Even if you feel that you can't make a decision, you better do it or else you may end up hurt and alone with no boyfriend or lover at all. If this ever happen to me, I would chose the boyfriend, because he has been with you longer, and he has made a commitment to you.

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Most often people get confuse about love, crush, and interest level.


I would say Love is when your heart beats for them, you feel butterflies, tingly fingers, sweaty palms, dry lips, etc.


In general human socializing, it doesn't matter if your married, engaged, in a current relationships, there are times when we see people that we will have an Interest level in. Sometimes there are very high interest level to get to know them, just to be friends, talk to, or something unique about them that you want to be friend.


So just get to know this guy, u'll probably spot turn offs.



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Yes you can love two people at once! It's happened to me years ago.


I still loved my husband although the marriage had broken down due to no physical contact on his part for 2.5 years! Plus I'd fallen in love with the man I've been married to now for 13 years.


I agree with CantForget I did have to have a lot of thinking time because my first thoughts were is it because I think the 'Grass is greener on the otherside?' My final decision was I didn't want to be in an unhappy marriage anymore no matter what happened!


We can all advise you but the final decision is yours.


Good luck and take care.

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I've been in the same boat before-- my advice would be to stick w/your bf. You have history together, and unless you've fallen out of love w/him and no longer wish to be in a relationship w/him, you should stay put w/what you already know makes you happy. You will most likely lose your best friend, your support base, and his love by pursuing your colleague, which I would chalk up to as simply being lust. Is it really worth the risk?? You need to really think long and hard about the next steps you take. Besides, based on my experience, dating a co-worker is very, very tricky business anyway. If things do not go well, you get to see them EVERY DAY afterward! Then you got the office rumors, water-cooler talk, etc. to deal with to boot. Trust me when I say it's not a fun thing to deal with if things were to go awry.


Good luck on your decision and may happiness follow you whatever you end up doing.

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