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How do say hi?


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This may sound weird but....how do I say hi to girls? In particular this one I like who I just started talking a lot more with. When I see her in the hallways I just say hi (in a shy voice) ...once a even just lifted my hand up like a high-five kind of thing.....so any suggestions...and plz dont think im weird...its just that this thing is kinda makin me paranoid

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I agree with the others. Just say Hi (whatever) in a firm voice and in a few days you'll become more confident. She's probably as shy as you are so I wouldn't worry about it.


Make sure you smile at her everytime you see her. That's a good icebreaker.


Good luck and take care.



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The question isn't weird, its a good question. I'll actually disagree with the others. Using a shy voice is ok, if thats your natural voice. Saying you should use a firm voice is good advise, but I think you should just focus on getting it out and talking to her. How you say hi isn't as important as the mere fact that you said it at all. Concentrate on just talking to her and getting to know her. If you start to worry about the little things like tone of voice, arm movements, etc... you might be more concerned with not messing up that then with having a good time talking and getting to know her.

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Here's a few tips.


First, you do need to say hi in a confident, adult manner. If you act like a shy little boy you will be treated as such - an asexual, nuetered, harmless child. Is that what you want? Probably not.


Second, find out her name. Start calling her by her name. If you say "Hi Amanda" then she will immediately recognize that you must know her from somewhere. Thus begins the challenge. Now it will be up to her to figure out where she knows you from. She may assume that you've met already and stupidly forgot your name! She will have to ask around and find out who you are. Then one day when you tell her "Hi Amanda" and she says "Hi Finittz" back you know she actually took the time to find out who you are. This is an *obvious* indicator of her interest in you. (If she didn't care about you, she (1) would not have found out your name and (2) would not have addressed you by your name.)


Now, when she is calling you by name, the next time you see her ANYWHERE and it's possible for you to talk to her for a minute, simply walk up and and ask her on a date. Say something like "Hey Amanda, we really haven't had much of a chance to get to know each other. How would you like to go out with me to Starbucks on Tuesday so we can chat?"


Then you shut your mouth and see how she reacts. You're going to get one of three reactions:


1. "Hey, yeah, that would be great!" (Good.) Tell her "Okay, let me get your number and I'll call you and set it up."


2. "Hey, yeah, that would be great, but I'm busy Tuesday. But I'm free Wednesday and Thursday!" (Good) Same as above.


3. "Hey, yeah, that would be great but [insert any excuse here with NO counter-offer day]" (Bad) You say "Oh, hey, I totally understand. Anyway, it was nice seeing you again, I have to go." Politely excuse yourself, turn and walk with your head held high. (She's not interested, ignore her.)


Now for #1 or #2 you need to wait about 3 days and call her to set up the time and location (I mean, there are 22,000 Starbucks, right?!? ) Call once. If she's there, tell her "Hey, it's me. How about 6:00 at the 4th street Starbucks? We can meet there." If she remembers you, you're on! If she asks your name... um... you might want to say "Sorry, wrong number" and hang up... If she makes any excuses, again, thank her and hang up.


If you get voice mail, leave THIS message: "Hey, it's finittz. Call me back. 555-1212." and hang up. Do NOT call again. Do NOT say anything else. If she calls you back within a day, you're good!


Go on the date, don't talk about cars, computers, sex, drugs, guns, blood and gore, politics, religions, etc. Instead, ask lots of questions and get to know her. You want to walk away knowing a lot more about her than she knows about you so you can decide if she's your type.


If things are going good, when the date ends lean in slightly for a kiss. If she leans in also, and kisses you on the lips, then go for date #2. If you get a cheek kiss, a hug, or a handshake... yup, toss her number.


Okay? Go do it, that's what I did all the time and it worked great. Just be careful not to over-book your time!!!!

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Err!..Its just a hi!..U dont need a book to tell u how to say hi to a perosn!..Just do it in the same way u wuld do it with ne one of ur friends!..As simple as that!..Wat matters is u said Hi!!And as time passes u ill get comfortable with saying hi and talking to her just like any of ur firends!

Cuz i perosnally feel that u dunt reeally need to think about such a simple thing! And yeah ur not weird dude..Ur just too nervous!

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Just concentrate on talking to the girl and getting to know her. You can worry about everything else in time. For now all you need to do is say hi and talk to her. Try not to be nervous, put thoughts of the future out of your mind. They are likely to get you more worked up. Instead, live in the moment and just talk to her. I know its hard, but you can do it.

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[PocoDiablo] said:


"If things are going good, when the date ends lean in slightly for a kiss. If she leans in also, and kisses you on the lips, then go for date #2. If you get a cheek kiss, a hug, or a handshake... yup, toss her number."


Umm, I think dropping a girl after meeting her only once just because she wouldn't kiss you on the lips would be a bad idea. I mean, most girls I know are still trying to figure out if they like a guy on date one and aren't necessarily planning on kissing him. In fact, making such a move could very well hurt you more than help you. You don't want to freak a girl out or make it seem like unless she's immediately into you after one meeting that you're not interested in her. Obviously every woman is different but most girls I've gotten to know and talked to about such thing in our general age group are not going to be interested in a kiss, especially when you're only meeting for coffee and the premise is getting to know one another better.

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I mean, most girls I know are still trying to figure out if they like a guy on date one and aren't necessarily planning on kissing him. In fact, making such a move could very well hurt you more than help you. You don't want to freak a girl out or make it seem like unless she's immediately into you after one meeting that you're not interested in her


Exactly. Some girls will freak out over such forwardness. He's only 16, at that age the girl could very well still be nervous about dating in general and the thought of kissing someone could be scary to her. We don't know anything about the girl, theres a good chance such directness will scare her off. What if she's a girl who doesn't kiss on a first date?

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