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I stood there thinking what a lonely life

Worlds crumbling down around me

Nothing ever goes right, the sorrow grows stronger every day

So alone, isolated, cut off from the world

Can't let anyone in, my heart will just be hurt

Can't risk it being broken again, the pain would kill

Keep myself busy, don't think about it

It never works, the emptiness consumes

I just want to cry, the tears of misery.


I stood there thinking what a beautiful life

You smiled at me

Saw a warmth, a tenderness I had forgotten existed

There was hope, there was joy, there was love

Made me believe things could work out

Put my soul at ease, helped me through the roughest storm

Like an angel saving me in my darkest hour

My heart no longer empty

I just want to cry, the tears of friendship.


I stood there thinking this will change my life

I've fallen for you, can't fight these feelings

Want to be with you, know everything about you

To hold you, to touch you, to love you

We'll share our souls knowing no one else would understand

But why am I racked with doubt?

I've waited my life for this, to be in love

But something holds me back, paralyzed

I just want to cry, the tears of fear.


I stood there watching you walk out of my life

Never knowing how deeply I cared

Now everyday I wonder what could have been

You were the one who made me whole, made my life complete

But the fool in me couldn't take the risk

Couldn't put my heart on the line

Now its back to the pain, misery, lonliness of life

Back to the cold empty heart

I just want to cry, the tears of regret.

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Its based on observation of both myself and countless others. It's about opening youself up to love when it comes your way. Not being afriad and living in the moment. Who among us has not felt the sharp bite of regret, of not taking action when things were staring us right in the face? So take the chance. Be open. Cause the feeling of never knowing and not trying is the worst feeling of all. Even if it doesn't work out, at least you'll have tried.

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So take the chance. Be open. Cause the feeling of never knowing and not trying is the worst feeling of all. Even if it doesn't work out, at least you'll have tried.


Absolutely...what's the old cliche?...It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved.


Sometimes cliches are just that because they are so true.

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absoultly know how you feel, and it was amazingly written. Thanx for the nice comment on mine too! And don't worry about being afraid of being hurt... i've been like that for 3 years, and I know, eventually, someone will come along into your life that will be worth the risk of being hurt. It will happen, and you'll know it's right! Good luck, and again, amazing poem hun!

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Another of life's grand dichotomies:

Unwanted love is worse than unrequited love...

Yet the not knowing is worse than the knowing...

Is it better to believe in a dream, a fantasy, rather than someone shatter it for you?


Watching your love walk away, into abuse, is the cruellest fall...

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Volution, I ask myself the same question. Is holding out hope better or worse for a person? Is it just a fantasy, a fairy tale? Or will the dream come true? Personally, I think the dream does come true, but it isn't usually in the way we expect it to. So even when we feel the dream is shattered and can never be repaired, its all part of the journey that leads to all our dreams coming true.


It is cruel to watch the one you love making a mistake. But we can't beat ourself up over it and let it drag us down (though we usually do). We need to be strong and focus on the bright spots in our lives, being there for the loved one when she needs us.

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