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How Often To Contact?

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Say you've managed to remain on good terms with an ex....

What if either of you..or both of you are seeing other people?


How often is ok to keep in touch with that person...without interferring with their other relationship? Is there a good rule of thumb? is it depending on how serious their relationship is?


I want to attempt a friendship with an ex...and I need to know what the boundaries are. I still care for him a lot..what are respectable boundaries in this situation?



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Tough question. Surely not everday, probably not more than once a week, if that much.


I think it depends on how often he calls you too. If he calls you every other week, call him in the opposite weeks. If he calls you less, call him less, etc., etc.

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If your only intention is friendship, then once a month or less is fine. How close you want to be to someone (emotionally) is often determined by the frequency of personal interactions that occur over a period of time. The more positive interactions, the closer you will feel to him and vice versa. The more you see him in person, the closer each of you will feel to each other. It all depends on what you want to happen though. My opinion - if you really don't want to interfere with his new relationship, don't call him more than 3 times a year - birthday and holidays.

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Yes, as Beec said, it all depends on your circumstances. I speak with my ex about once or twice a week on aim, but I rarely get to see him as we are in different places for university. I maybe see him about once every 4 months, or longer even. It just depends how often I'm home, or we both have free time. Let he/she know you are there for them, and leave the rest up to the other.


take care Hk87

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Thanks a lot for the advice guys! This is new territory foe me..but as I said I want him to be happy if he wants to pursue this new relationship. I don't want him to think I am trying to influence him either way.

After the replies I think as Chai said...no more than once a month....initially though I am waiting a couple months..just to check in. I am thinking that should be sufficient time to discuss new things.

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