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Passion/Appreciation for freedom/alchohol?

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I know I need to back myself up on this. Reality being, I am able to express my knowledge and intelligence with a bit of inibriation. It drives me nuts yet I can communicate with family and friends and meet new people. For years, I struggled to provide solid commication with family and friends. Fortunatley, I had many cool experiences with a girl from my old job that involved alcohol which allowed me to think at levels I have desired for a long time.

Confusing? I am so lost as it makes no sense. Right now I have a love/hate relation with alchohol. Don't need it, but want it becuase I think it releases me from the blinders which hold me back, and that is mental freedom and mental inspiriation. No, not drunkenness, just free from the crap I have created over the years in my life. I am convinced our greatest possession is freedom, some realize it w/ ease, some aquire it over time, some never do. I am in the middle, but greatful for that. Not looking for advice but would like some agreements, disagreements, etc. Thanx.

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Thanx for the replies. I am really glad I posted this thread last night. It is a harsh reality to read the responses. My sister is a recovering alchoholic and she had to hit rock bottom to realize it. I am headed towards alcoholism as it allows me to avoid my reality of severe shyness. Never heard of the term "dry drunk" but it makes sense and I refuse to be classified as one.


Right now I need to figure out how to tear down the social walls I have built in my mind so I can get out and socialize as me, and face my shyness head on. I so need to increase my confidence levels. Any advice on where to start? Thanx again.

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I'm exactly the same as you. I don't feel like I have an actual physical dependence on alcohol....it's not like the first thing I do in the morning is reach for the bottle but in some situations where I feel like my shyness would hold me back, I feel like I have to have a drink. I know that by doing that it does become a problem but I feel like I can be who I want to be once I've had a drink.... Although I end up getting carried away and quite often I wake up the next day and realise I've said too much. Basically, yes I do understand how you feel and I'm sure quite alot of shy people do the same (I'm not saying it's right but it's the easy way out..). Wish I could help you with how to increase your confidence but we're both sailing in the same boat Good luck! x

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Right now I have a love/hate relation with alchohol


Yeah, me too. I'm mainly straightedge during the school year, but I used to have a hay-day during the summer (and sometimes winter breaks). My fave drink is tequilla, so you can only imagine where that gets me. But lately, all I've been thinking about is how messed up my life gets when I drink. Maybe it's different for some people, but I almost always get emotionally hurt in some way.


So now I'm trying really hard to not get involved with alcohol, but it's really difficult, especially me being a senior in college. I keep looking at all these facebook pics of kids my age drinkin, laughing, and writing messages to each other about all of their fun times, and I wonder if I'm missin out. I feel so lonely here b/c I choose to not get involved with the mainstream activities.


Don't need it, but want it becuase I think it releases me from the blinders which hold me back, and that is mental freedom and mental inspiriation.


That's interesting. What do you mean by "mental freedom?" You can talk more openly about social/political issues etc? That's cool if you can get mental inspiration from alcohol - if it's good I guess. All I've ever received from alcohol was a lot of unnecessary drama and turmoil. But on the same token, I have never regretted those experiences and use them as life lessons. So who knows. Right now, my view is to stay away from it b/c it's preventing me from staying on the right path.


But in your case, since you drink moderately, I think that's awesome, but most likely there's a way that you could free yourself without having to use alcohol.

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Ever since reading her reply last Monday when I was hungover, my entire outlook on alchohol has changed. I drank to get drunk and to be the temporary confident someone I am not (not yet of course I always knew it subconsciously but kidded myself into thinking maybe I would make some friends and maybe even a girlfriend. I went to a bar with a co-worker last night and had a couple beers but stopped because I did not enjoy them as I knew my true intentions. That was a powerful feeling to walk out of the bar sober which builds my esteem.

To the other shys out there that drink to socialize, what kind of relations with other people will you be able to build being drunk? What will the relationships be based upon? For myself, the answer is scary.

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What do you mean by "mental freedom?"

Hi Swtpea,


What I mean is my anxienty and the Negative Nellie (which is my blinder) in my mind are removed when I am drunk which easily allowed me to get out socialize without making false assumptions about how others may or may not percieve me.

Just like you, alchohol ultimately resulted in emotional turmoil for me too. It was definitely fun at times, but time for me to grow up.

You sound like you are in the right frame of mind and thinking long term, keep it up.

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