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staying friends

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tough situation to be in. unfortunately my first response is that its a bad idea. for many reasons. on the other hand if its a matter of "having to" then if you can be understanding, open minded then of course it can work. i could never do it. not one of my past relationships has turned out into a friendship afterwards.

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It is indeed a tough situation to be in. it depends on how well you can handle it, and how you feel about the person at the moment. Basically, do you still hold feelings for this person? will you continue to have feelings for them? can you move on while they are still this close in vicinity to you?


these are a couple of questions you are going to have to answer for yourself before you can truly know whether you can stay friends/roommates...

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IF your the person who got dumped and your still interested in her, which it seems you are, and breakups are almost never mutual, then you are crazy to put yourself in the situation. WHy deal with seeing the person you still have feelings for dating other people, why torture yourself.

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I have to stay "roommates" because we are both living in our house that we are trying to sell - let me tell you it is nearly impossible - every time you walk back in the house it just kicks you off all over again - it is getting a little easier, but only because I am trying to make sure that when she is in the house I am not there.

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Had to live with ex who dumped me till I found a place. Its hell. Keep out each others way seems best. For us it worked coz one of us was going out lots and one was staying home. But they will do little insensitive things that will hurt you. Best if you dn't share space. Can you not be with somewhere else until you sell?

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