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Hi i havent posted here in a few days or so, and want to vent a little.


I have been getting on well lately i think, not thinking of the ex as much as i used to, but the being alone feeling is consuming me and bringing me down. I've been going out a lot to with my friends and having a good time, talking to new people but nothing really comes of it or makes me feel complete.


I really miss having that person to love, talk to and have by my side. I just feel really alone

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i've just been hit by what feels like 10 tons of brick


i was having an msn convo with a friend and they told me my ex is with a bloke i know, who is best friends with my ex's cousins boyfriend (they moved into our house as lodgers, and kind of caused the split)


we have been split 3 months, and this has just hit me for 6 and i have been feeling down these last few days to......why do these things happen.

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I know how you feel James, it really sucks. It's only been a month for me and I think my ex might be with another guy also. Less than a month, and this after saying that if we ever broke up she'd stay away from relationships for at least a year... Anyways...


Just know that it's going to come in waves, the bad times will be followed by good ones. Just hang on through the crap times and it'll get better. For me, the down times are lasting longer, but aren't as bad and they used to be. I'm guessing that's progress of a sort. I too feel really alone. I'm trying to do stuff with friends, but I don't really know many people so still spend a lot of time alone in the apartment we used to share. I'm coming to the realization though, that, while I still miss having someone to share my life with, perhaps it was a mistake to want to share it with her.

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hi thanks for replies and you are right, it does suck.


i kind of expected that outcome in my gut anyway.


To be honest i find it very sad on my ex's behalf that she has got with him, and i feel betrayed that she threw away 6 yrs with me to be with someone who she has only seen a couple of times.


If you had read my previous dilema of the split and how the cousin interferred when she moved in to our home. well the bloke my ex has got with was going out with her cousins best mate, but she went to USA travelling and they split up and now he is with my ex.


Perhaps it is best we did finish as i can see her for what she really is now.



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