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I'm short on ideas...do you have any?

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My boyfriend and I will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary next week(its about time!...just kidding hehe)....I want to surprise him with something cute/sweet/something he'll never forget....in general it has to be something affordable (Im a college student) yet not so cheap that its a homemade card........I want to go all out for this special occasion and truly show him he means the world to me (eventhough he knows that....but sometimes its nice to show it too too bad that I'm not great at thinking up things


So I am turning to everyone for suggestions....or what you have done/ have been surprised with on an anniversary by your sweetheart....I have about an hour to spare before he gets to his place that day and am willing to go far fetched lengths for a super anniversary!! Keep in mind that no idea is considered too crazy for me.....


thanks for any ideas

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Well, its hard to say, given the fact that I dont know him and his likes/dislikes. I can say however, not to disclude a 'home made card' Being creative and putting your efforts into something like that in my view is more personal and important than any store bought possession. As a matter of fact, one of my ex's made me a HUGE card out of construction paper, (bound with silk string even). The card was a tribute to us. It had pictures in sequence of things we did together starting from our first camping trip, (the weekend we hooked up) and ending with photos of us together at a christmas party. I STILL have that card, and I will never get rid of it, even though she is a former former ex. Thats how special it was to me.

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Hey ImInLove!


Congratulations and well done (these things take effort on the one year anniversary.


Yep, I agree with Jjasonn about the hand-made card. This is a very thoughtful gift and would be a good idea to give along with something else if you desire. And it will be fun!


I wish I could be more creative with gift suggestions though...I suck at this, and christmas is creeping ever closer, arrgghh. Lol

Something personalised, maybe with a message, would be cool. There are plenty of things like that, though many are tacky lol.

Or how about a piece of sporting memorabilia? Does he have a hero. Some things _may_ not be too costly.

Maybe there is something he has always wanted to do? Things like this may cost too much...I was thinking skydiving, race car driving (places do this), hand gliding, etc.


It's cool that you are willing to do something crazy! I hope people can suggest something crazy for you to do

Maybe you could do something crazy like have a small party in a theme like a childrens celebrations...fairy bread, ice-cream cake, balloons, streamers, party hats. Lol.


Anyway it will be cool to hear what crazy thing you plan! All the best.

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Make him a scrapbook..

find all your pictures from the past year.. ticket stubs... letters... make a page of insides jokes.. special memories.. you can use construction paper.. glue.. glitter.. stickers.. put it all into an old binder and get pretty $1 a yard fabric from walmart or something and cover the binder..

it will be very personal and good to look back on and show your kids and stuff one day.. (if u have them) and you can add on to it every year..

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