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Dummy Letter.


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Hi all,


Just a question please:


You've a girl/boy/partner who doesn't care much. Make you frustrated all times, but you love her/him a lot etc. So you decided to send her/him a dummy love letter with different name, just to show that you've another lover/friend to make her/him also frustrated, the reality you've none.

Is this a good idea or bad?

And if she/him got annoyed what to do/to say/apology.


Appreciate your advise.

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You mean, sending yourself a letter from a fictional love interest, just to make him jealous? This might have been an amusing activity when I was 12-13, but at 25, I have enough maturity and common sense to know that this approach doesn't actually work.


You can't force a person to care more about you, or to take more of an interest in you. And, even if your attempts at making them jealous do work, it would be a temporary solution to a bigger issue: incompatibility.


I'd probably save my energy for a person who could return my affection without clever manipulations.

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Thanks OceanEyes. Yes, just to make him/her jealous. Let me explan little bit: Friend of mine asked me about this fake email which he sent to his g/l, but I had no answer, they have been in unstable relationship - he does a lot to her, but she doesn't appreciate/bother much of him and on-top of that she put a lot of test on him. You know, women put a lot of tests in men just sometimes to make them/men crazy, He/I wanted to find out what would be the consequences for the letter he sent and what to reply after getting an answer like this: " why you sent it to me, you just want me to know that you've so many friends, anyway thanks for your lovely later" What to respond?

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