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shy guy=attractive?

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heres the probelm. I go out with my friends and they are not shy, they go up to a lot of girls and talk to them. me being the shy guy i stand back and dont say much. i try but i get nervous a little bit.


a lot of the times when they are talking the girls, the girls will glance at me. and sometimes smile. i make eye contact with them and smile back and they continue to talk to my friends. during the conversation the girls do this many times.


im not sure if the girls are just being nice or they like shy guys . i thought it was the being nice part, but this happens a lot. what can i do to come out and say more?? what can i do the next time this happens??

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kno how that is i was that way and still am sorta. u just relax dont worry 2 much cause if u do u just sorta stand there like duuuh no offense but then u would seem rele stupid. b funny and b sorta spur of the moment. its just out willin to take a chance. its normally worth it to.

hope i helped

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