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UPDATE on wonder if plan will work

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Ok today just an hour ago, he finally ask, wow, they're finally g/f and b/f. Off course he the begging again and even try bringing flowers and my stupid cousin threw them, I was there behind the door, herad the convo. she say to him "I don't wanna see you again, here're you're stupid flowers, so don't come back". That's wut I don't get, she cheated first and he took her back twice, so shouln't she be doing the same. Well I told him to forget about the plan already but he insisted and did it, I kept telling him "It isn't gonna work, she won't take you back, remember we both saw you when you were with that girl at your house", he say "let me try one more time and if not, then yea forget this plan. Yea, like I figure it wouldn't work, it didn't. So ok, we forgot about it already but my cuz doens't know that he's now my b/f. Finally after all these years, me waiting. So now we agree on not dating others and he say you won't cheat like he did on my cuz.

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Then he would be a player. Seriously how can he be still in love with her if she cheated twice. It iwoudln't make any sense, if he was in still in love then why would he be my b/f, it wouldn't make sense.


Well, obviously he is...people don't just lose their feelings.


And if he was NOT in love with her, why would he be trying to get her BACK!!!


What does not make any sense is why you are with someone whom is trying to win someone else back.

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Yes, just because your cousin cheated, that does NOT validate that her bf cheated. They are separate issues. Neither one is right, but he is the one you should be concerned with, because he's now going for YOU when,


a. he was your FAMILY MEMBER's boyfriend.

b. he's a confirmed cheater.

c. he thinks it's funny to play cruel jokes and hurt someone, YOUR COUSIN.


Whether you like your cousin or not, it's bad ettiquette to date someone who was serious with your COUSIN. Secondly, he's trying to get her back, for what? So he can be cruel and hurt her again? Does this sound like someone who you should be dating? Someone who takes pleasure in deceiving and hurting others?


Yes, she cheated on him, and yes, that was wrong, but HE TOOK HER BACK, twice, and that was his choice. No one twisted his arm. If he thought the cheating was something he could not get past he did not have to take her back. To take her back and then purposely set her up to hurt her is deplorable. It does not show good character.


Him cheating on her and playing childish, immature jokes is wrong. If he was burned and unhappy with her, the proper thing to do, showing good class, maturity and integrity, would be to walk away from her and end the relationship. What he's doing in just childish and selfish.


You could show better judgement and a little class by staying away from him too.

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i agree... I don't think you're going to get the answers or support you want from anyone here on this thread. I think you're cousin was wrong for cheating on him, he was wrong for cheating on her AND for even persuing you, AND you are deffinatley in the wrong for dating him behind your cousins back. I don't care at all if you guys aren't that close, because there are so many other guys out there.... if I were your cousin i'd tell you to find your own boyfriend.

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Yes it was wrong wut she did I know and yes, we forgot about the plan, we don't care about it anymore. But Shorty u gotta understand, I have always have a crush on him, always love him ever since my cuz met him and back then he wouldn't even pay the least bit of attention to me, he was serioud with her. But my b/f (now her ex) told me he loves me, I love him too. We're in love.

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Yes it was wrong wut she did I know and yes, we forgot about the plan, we don't care about it anymore. But Shorty u gotta understand, I have always have a crush on him, always love him ever since my cuz met him and back then he wouldn't even pay the least bit of attention to me, he was serioud with her. But my b/f (now her ex) told me he loves me, I love him too. We're in love.


You're in love after dating for a few days?


Personally I think what you BOTH did was very childish and cruel, and frankly, you shouldn't be surprised if he does the same thing to you, you know what they say about karma.

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didn't you just say that he asked you to be his gf a few days ago? That he was trying to get his ex back and that you were waiting for him to ask you?


More to the point, do you have any remorse for the way you behaved or the terrible way you treated your cousin?


What about him? Have you lost any respect for him given the immature and selfish, cruel way he behaved?

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Yes we been dating for 3 months but we were not g/f and b/f then, but we would still date and did make out of many occasions and it's been just a few days since he ask me if he wanna me to be his g/f.

And yes just a few days before being my b/f, he did wanted to get his ex back to see if she'll fall for that trick (him begging and crying for his cheating) and forgive but at the same time he beeing my b/f, while yes I would agree him chetaing on her again but this time with me.

Well like I have say before, we both dislike my cuz, she's a snob and an annoying braggard, I disliked her more when she met him and me always wanting him. So ok no, I don't feel bad for her and yes we're not gonna do that joke anyone, we been wasting time on that, instead we're gonna keep our relationship a secret and well when it's time we'll tell her we're g/f and b/f.

And no, I haven't lost respect, like I say in my other post, I have always have a crush and love him, but never had the chance to be with until, until I finally did. I love him and he does too, I know he does, he's honest and sincere with me.

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Maybe it's too early to call it "real love." You only dated him for 3 months. How can this be "love?" I think it's the right chemistry between you two. Maybe it would be wise to just be friends for awhile, and not get too serious right now. It sounds like you wanted to take your cousin's boyfriend away from her. Just think how your cousin feels. She is part of your family, and will remember what you did for a long time.

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True, think about how ur cuz would feel when she find out, cuz she will find out sonner or later, that you had intention of taking away her b/f now ex. for a long time and that u were part of the plan. And no just cuz she cheated twice, doens't mean he had the right to cheat back and then u being complict to this, that's wut little children ages 5-10. Looks like both of you have mentality of 5 year olds. If he wans't comfortable with her, why not talk like grown ups do and breakup. And I also feel he's gonna use you cuz of wut ur saying in ur post. U say " I love him and he does too, I know he does, he's honest and sincere with me". I don't think so, no self respecting guy would even suggets being ur b/f and at the same time having his ex as his g/f again and no self respecting girl would agree to having him cheat on her own memeber of the family or even talk bad about her cuz. Now if he cheats and ur cuz finds out ur dating him my guess is that ur gonna post anotehr thread saying "How stupid was I, he cheated, wnat my cuz to forgive me". Just wait for another few months to pass by.

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Ratherbe sailing, that was such a harsh post..BUT..I have to agree.


I think that at any rate if he dates you he's only doing it to get back at her. But if you would lower yourself to date her leftovers then maybe thats what you would need to get yourself back on track again and thinking clearly. He has already been with her, and surely your hot enough to find someone else and not run after her scraps. Don't chump yourself, be a true hottie and find a new guy. Don't settle for this loser.

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Sorry but this just sounds bad. He tried to get his ex back to "see if she would fall for it"? Do you really buy that? Why go through all that effort if he didn't really want her back? Perhaps a part of him did?


When she didn't bite, how convenient that he settled for you.


You are so quick to judge your cousin, saying you don't like her because she is a braggard and a snob, but she is not the one who stabbed her cousin in the back and tried to hurt her by playing childish and terrible jokes on her.


You cannot use that as a justifiable reason for your poor behaviour. There is no excuse for it.


Maybe you should turn the mirror on yourself before you point fingers at someone else, because right now to me it is your character who lacks integrity and class.

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