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dose he like me?

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i really like this guy and i dated him at one point but his parents said we couldnt go out so we stoped going out.we go to diffrent schools and i have always loved him but i dont know if he likes me. he always makes fun of me and when i talked to him he said i cant wait to see you im gona tackel u and hug you but i dont know if he likes me please help me

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Im sorta confused....you dated but your not dating now so you broke up because his parents said you had to and now that youre broken up you dont think he likes you?


Well, if your broken up I dont see why you would want him to like you still. But I guess your saying it was a forced break up and you guys are still *kinda together* just not really serious because of his parents. You sound kinda young so I would imagine that he is young also. Most adolescent boys try to *show off* to impress their friends/girlfriends. They come up with the stupidest ways to show you that they like you I swear!! lol Its nice to know things havent changed since I was younger!!


It sounds to me like he does like you, but dont take it like he doesnt like you because he just hasnt really found a way to show it yet. I would guess that his parents are really strict or something along the lines of and that is why you had to break up. Give it time, things will change as you get older.

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