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Breaking the ice with someone i dont know.

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Hey, How can i break the ice with this girl i dont know, shes seen me around i seen her around in the halls. I have a friend who knows her and he talks to her sometimes, and i just stand around lol, but other than that i dont even talk to her at all, shes one year younger than me. What are some things I can say to her to break the ice? Im a shy person at first, but once i know the person im pretty open lol, so ya what would you do in this situation.

Ill be 16 in a few months.. damn lol i hate sayin 15 soooo close to 16 anyways lol ya.

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Have your friend introduce you. That should be easy. When you're standing there, add to what they're saying. If she's talking about cheer, her ipod, or whatever, ask her something about it. She'll likely answer your question and before you know it, you'll be holding a conversation with her. The key to people is talking about things THEY are interested in. It almost never fails. Good luck.

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when you walk past her go "hey, i know you! your [mates name]'s friend rite?"

then when she replies say "haha ,cool, thought i recognsed you from somewhere, anyways... im late, c ya laters" and walk off, just walk off.


then when you see her again say "heys" as you walk past or something.

etc etc... eventually you will be having a conversation with her.



just involve yourself in whatever her and your friend are talking about.

easy as pie. lemon pie.

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I think if you are really having a hard time introducing yourself, ask your friend to do it for you and with you.


when you do talk to her, talk to her about what's she up to at that moment in time. Depending on how much time you have, ask her about school, what classes she's got, if she's into any extra-curricular activities, etc. Maybe joke around with her about your friend, like say he's a fool at something or whatever, something that will spark some randomness.

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