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im 19 years old and i currently got hired by a company to be a package handler every weekday for 5 hour shifts. since ive never had a job before, i applied. and paying good salary, i decided to go to the interview. the only problem was, the job's about 30-40 minutes away from my house. and i dont have a license. so people in my family would have to drive me.


i got through two interviews and was hired. i started work and lately since im new, i only work 2 hours. creates a problem for my ride because once they drop me off, they have to come back for me an hour or 2 hours later. also if i get off early, i'd have to call them and wait until they pick me up. in this job, im not allowed to bring watches or cell phones. i am going to get my license in december so it would only be for a month. but through out the whole time all i hear are complaints from my family giving me rides. saying how "oh god i have to drive you" and all of that. being stressed. and i understand but there's nothing i can do. i really like this job so far and the pay is beyond excellent. but all the complaints really stress me out because i cant do anything about it and if i could, i'd drive there by myself. my mom suggested me getting a closer job and i got angry because i really want to work there.


im already training and everything but i dont know what to do. i just want to work at a job, do my job well and get paid. but i have to deal with getting rides and hearing people complain and having a strict time dealing with everything. i dont know what to do. should i just apply someplace closer that pays less just for the sake of getting rides?



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The job might be good, but it sounds a little out of your range. If you can't drive, this must be a HUGE burden upon those who drive you. If the pay is so good, why can't you get a car or at least a liscense?


This isn't what you're probably going to want to hear, but maybe you can find a job nearer to you until you get on your feet. Try not to be stressed out about it, let things happen as they may.

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If your getting so many problems like that, I would quit. This is your first job, I don't think it will have too much effect in your life down the road. You need a car or you need a bus or something. Without a licence it's odd you would choose a job so far out of the way. I would worry more though about the hours. Get something closer with 20-40 hours a week. Is it all worth working 2 hours a day. goodluck

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No public transportation? How much longer will you have to work only 2 hour shifts? You should figure out how to make it worth peoples while and try to switch off people frequently so it isn't the same couple people all the time.


Also, try to get into working the 5 hours asap. Explain the situation to your boss and ask if there's any way to accellerate the process. And get your license faster.

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