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Hi you may be familiar with my previous post about my best friend who has been spending too much time with her bf. But this has actually opened my eyes to something else that has been going on. I love her dearly, but I find that she is hardly ever interested in anything regarding my life. everytime I talk to her I just talk about her situations. And when I do ask for advice she hardly gives any. It is very upseting. I'm going to try and give her some space and see if that makes our relationships stronger. Is this a good idea?

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Something very similar is happening to me with a very good friend of mine who is a girl except, her bf doesn't even go to school and she only hangs out with him on weekends, so I don't know what the heck she's up to when she's not around... I mean, I thought she was with her other friends or something, but there was this once she told me to wait for her at a specific place, and I went there and saw one of her other friends waiting there too, but she never came, so you can only imagine how angry I got... So, I've just been gradually distancing myself. She has tried a couple of times to let things go back to what they were before, when she was my best friend, but she always lets me down. I keep forgiving her, but I'm distancing myself now... people lie a lot (I hope it's not the case here), so I'm not even sure if she was being truthful when she said "Where were you? I was calling you all summer..." back at the beginning of the year. I don't see her very often, but I won't wait for her anymore between classes because sometimes she didn't even come. So, I guess our great friendship has been tuned down to just a friendship.


So, yeah, I think "giving her space" is what I'd do. Or you could choose to ask her what's up... either way, good luck.

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People change, Life goes on. Don't worry about it, don't make a scene. Don't get mad. Find other people to spend time with & tell your feelings to.


The Truth is, people change and no matter how much you want them back sometimes they just dont come back.


In your case, it might just be a phase. But I still recommend finding someone else to be close to. Because its healthy.

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I think that a lot of people go through this at one time or another. I have gotten in multiple fights with my ex-best friend about her self-centeredness. Eventually i couldnt take it anymore, and we got in one final fight and that ended it. It wasnt over a boyfriend for me, and DONT let that boy end a great friendship for you. just tell her that you would like some attention too and the world is not just hers.

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