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Is there such thing as TOO MUCH support?

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I am curious as to wether or not, its possible that too much support can ultimately be a bad thing?


For example, when my gf er ex.... decided she wanted to move away to go back to school, even though I KNEW it was a bad idea for our relationship, I encouraged her, supported her, and didn't express my concerns. When she wouldn't see me two weekends in a row because she was busy with mid terms, I supported her, and when she had the next weekend free, and decided to go to Quebec for a getaway, I supported her.


It always made me feel sad, but at the same time like a GOOD partner by supporting her.. Is there a point where you HAVE to say no, even though it may seem like you arent supporting them?



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It sounds like you are being 'supportive' to the point where you are masking out and not expressing your emotions. This can be very dangerous for your relationship. You can support her with all your heart and STILL express how you feel. IN fact, this is crucial. If you don't communicate these feelings, it will be easy to leave out other aspects of communication.


In any relationship, communication is KEY. Without it, all else will fail.

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