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How do I innitiate no contact?? RE: Losing my best friend..

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Hi everyone!


I cant thank you all enough for your responses to my previous post. For the first time in many many nights, I felt a contentment that has been eluding me. I was actually able to close my eyes, and fall asleep within minutes!


Now, I am confident that I must innitiate no contact. As much as it goes against everything my heart is screaming, I know that I must. So here is my dilemma now. She told me that she needs some time alone. And I will absolutely respect that, however she also made plans to see me either this Sunday, or during the week next week. It is nothing I asked of her, she just said that she wants to see me. So, should I wait to see her, and tell her then that I think NC is the only option? Or should I just innitiate abruptly, with no warning. And if I do wait until we are together, what do I say to her? Keep in mind, that I love her absolutely, and still believe in our love for eachother. Our relationship wasn't abbrasive.. we merely drifted apart due to physical and emotional distance. Any suggestions?

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Don't contact her. Don't let her get through for now. Take some time for yourself and let your emotions cool down, you're in no shape to talk to her. No need to announce NC, just start it. Read this post on NC

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You didn't make any set plans and don't owe her any explanations because you two aren't together and she's the one who called it off.

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My opinion is that you should never tell someone that you wanna start NC, just do it. Leave her to herself and let her come over when she wants. Well, here's how I would play it:


When she comes over be ready to leave. Tell her that you didn't know she was coming and that you have made plans. If she calls first, then spend time with her, but remember that does not mean that you are getting back together and remember, also, that you must be happy and pleasant and never mention getting back together.


But from this day forward you cannot initiate any contact with her, NONE.



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