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Moving in together

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This is such a hard one, because even if you waited two years to move in with someone ..you don't know who they really are until you live with them. But if you move in too soon that could be a mistake as well. I would say that safely, I'd wait a year at least. But keep in mind that if they are meant to be with you...things will work out naturally.


I waited two years to move in with my husband, but we were together so much It was like we lived together anyways. I did however find out that when you move in and when you marry a man..(some) they all of a sudden forget how to clean dishes and do laundry or put up their clothing after they take them off.

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I moved in with my boyfriend after knowing him for 2 months..But we were only dating a month before I moved in..Yeah really really soon. If you really love each other though, it will work out. I wouldn't recommend doing it though if you have any doubts for some reason. But it worked for us, and hopefully whatever you decide, it works out for you too!

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I'd wait a year.. then test drive before you buy. Miracle is soooo right... when you move in together all of a sudden they develop amnesia and housechores handicaps.


why not get side by side condo's, appartments or houses? Save yourself the anquish. LOL.


Just kidding. Wait a while. And then.. make sure you keep your autonomy. Split everything down the middle. Being a couple means "sharing" your life together. And sharing means sharing those mundane have to do chores.


BTW.. get it in writing. Draw up a contract and get it noterized. Will cost you a BUCK. But well worth discussing all of it WELL in advance. Boundaries, House Rules, Division of Labor and $$$. Number one argument in households and causes for Divorce.. Money. The next in line is Division of labor and apathy. Nip it in the bud.

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That really depends on many factors.


Honestly, I would suggest living on your own separateLY before moving in together - it's an experience that is well worth it, and can be better for both of you in the long run when you do move in together. And it helps you with the realities of living on your own.


With my boyfriend, we moved in before three months were up, but we also both knew it was right, have had a lot more relationship and life experience and knew we were headed in the same direction. For us, it was a matter of if we believe we are meant to be together, might as well make sure we can live together now too!


However, with previous partners, I never moved in with them even after years of dating as we were just not THERE yet for us.


I would suggest though waiting at LEAST a year for most people.


The important thing is you BOTH are moving in for the right reasons and have the same goals for the relationship. If for example you expect a proposal within a year of living together, and he is moving in with you to "see how it goes", save some money, and then decide in a year or two down the road or longer, you might find some conflict there!


Moving in brings in an element of "reality" into your relationship, and also for some couples, it shows them they truly are not meant to be together since they cannot even live together, for others it confirms they indeed are great partners. But....don't bring it in too soon.

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