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Okay, this is going to be a long story, but here goes:


My brother has ALWAYS caused problems for my parents. Ever since he was 15. He is now 22. He doesnt have a job and hasnt kept one for over 5 months, he does horrible drugs, been in jail for forgery, is on probation for 16 years, steals so much money from my parents and ALOT of other people. He has 1 child, and maybe another on the way by another woman. He has very bad depression. On the other hand, my dad drinks an awful lot. Every afternoon after work the first place he goes is to the liquor cabinet. Well, they would kick my brother out, and then let him come back, etc. etc. etc.


Anyways, we always fight over the phone. So my parents made it where he can have the phone from 9-10 and i have the phone from 10-11. Well, i was on the internet talking to my boyfriend at 8:50, and i get d/c for some reason, so I called my boyfriend and told him that my brother had d/c'ed me, and my brother was listening in other the conversation and heard us calling him an idiot. Well, anyways, I am not sure how it really happened, but my brother and dad got into a fight...really really really bad fight...it might have been because of the way my brother was talking to me, and he told my dad that, "the reason I am the way that i am is because of you"

When all my parents ever tried to do was help him. Well, him and my dad start fighting my brother starts throw stuff around our house and breaking stuff, somehow my parents got him outside *i was calling 911*. He busted the window in the door frame, and i hear my mother call, "bring us a towel" and i am on the phone crying and trying to talk to the 911 woman. I get to the door and there was blood all over the place, in the carpet, all over the door, everywhere. The police finally get here and my brother calmed down real quickly like. My dad didnt do anything wrong. I am so scared, I hope he went to jail tonight, because he has threatened to kill me for calling the police on him. I dont know what to do. My mother is so stressed out, I am even stressed, and I mean, i guess I just needed someone to vent to. I love my dad with all my heart. Oh yeah, and while the police were here, i looked outside on our porch and there was blood all over the porch, i mean ALL over, and its a PRETTY BIG porch. Most of it was from my brother, the ambulance took him to the hospital because he had to have stitches put in, thats what the police tol us anyways. If you have any words of advice it would help. Thanks for listening to me vent.

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Thanks alot for that advice, but I doubt my mother and father would be up for that one, besides, they are kinda low on money right now due to the fact they have bills to pay, brother stole money, they are paying for stuff for school *i am graduating this year* and senior stuff is very expensive. I just hope I will be moving out sooner, seeing as how its probably my fault my brother and dad got into the argument. Maybe they wont give in this time and let him come back home. Thanks though.

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