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I dont know where this topic should be. Basically, i get paranoid easily eventhough im 100% sure that pregnancy wouldnt occur. This happens even with my previous gf. I often get worried that the worst will happen, and it messes with my mind. I cant concentrate on other things.


My present gf and me havent had sex, but we already had oral and things like that. A few days ago, she was giving me a handjob and a spurt ended up on her tummy. I was laying down, and she was close to me, on top of me, just not touching each other. She got up, washed her hands with soap, and got tissue paper to wipe her tummy (I helped too). Im SURE that nth dripped down towards her vagina, and its very unlikely to reach there even if it does. Plus, her period just ended around 2-3 days ago. Im still worried?


Im having a major exam in two weeks, and i got to get this out of my mind to concentrate in my studies. Should I be worried? Is there a problem with me?



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dude, you gotta realise that the sperms gotta reach her ovaries for a little guy to even have a chance at being produced. a small drible of cum running down there has 'no' chance of a girl gettin pregnant. now i guess there is a possibility, but comeon, for the sperm to reach the egss under normal circumstances you dick needs to be right in there. If this really is something that genuinly worries you - talk about it with her, and try a solution like the pill or some other form of contraception.

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You have nothing to be worried about. Sperm must enter the vagina in order for conception to take place.


a small drible of cum running down there has 'no' chance of a girl gettin pregnant


This is not true. If any ejaculate were to enter the vagina there is a chance of pregnancy. However it does not sound like that happened in this case.

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