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I need some advise here. I have a best friend whom

I've had a very strong friendship with for about 3 to

4 years.

We used to be in the same class until this year. I

thought it'll be okay as long as we still talk but

it wasn't. I understand that she can have a few more

best friends that I'm jealous of. The problem is that

when I have joint classes with her, she ignores me

totally unless she needs my help or something. When we

talk during breaks, I'm usually the one talking. When

we line up for classes, she'll talk loudly to her

friends to hurt me. What should I do? I don't know

whether I can lose her .. I rarely have good

friends that I can problems with. Please don't ask me

to confront her. The rate she is going is really

hurting me till I can't even talk to her at






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that doesn't sound like a friendship at all. if she is doing things to hurt you don't deserve she doesn't deserve a friend like you. i know it is hard to accept but this is just part of growing up you need to learn what type of people you want to hang out with and if you aren't a confrontational person then you need to make new friends because your friend sounds like she wants you to confront her just so she can shoot you down

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Hello Crystal,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am sorry to hear what this young lady is putting you through. I understand that it confuses you and that you don't know what to do.


I agree with Reni's words, but I believe that the problem here is that you don't make friends with people so easy. I believe that this the exact reason why you put up with this young lady.


The truth is that you have to learn to surround yourself with people that respect you and accept you for who you are. That is hard, I know that from experience, because I don't know any better than that I have been pestered in school. But if you settle for less than that you think you deserve, you will find yourself in trouble.


Interaction with people can be somewhat intimidating at times. The way to do it is like this: walk up to someone you like or seems to be nice and say 'hi' and smile. Then ask them how they are doing. People that you have been briefly talking to might be asked what they have been doing during the weekend and how it all was. If you really get comfortable with someone, you might even act VERY nice and give them a compliment left and right.


I hope that this helped you somewhat and I wish you good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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