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attraction and liking someone


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what is the difference between being attracted to someone, liking them,

and being interested in them?


and what is enough to cause a man to pursue a woman? what is needed to actually make a guy want to pursue a girl?


The only difference is the way that someone can interpret what you are saying.


Saying you are 'attracted to someone' - is very straight out and clear.

'Liking someone' - is less clear. It can be said referring to friends.

'Being interested in someone' - Depending on the context; it can be taken the same as being attracted to someone.


Ugh, I despise the use of the word 'persue'.

If he is interested, he will 'persue'.

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attracted to: that to me sounds more physical. A man can be attracted to you, but something may be stopping him from making further moves... like maybe he's already in a relationship.


liking: seems to imply more than just physical.


Interested in: Kind of like liking, but the person may be actually "interested in" pursuing a relationship.


and what is enough to cause a man to pursue a woman? what is needed to actually make a guy want to pursue a girl?


Not being a man, I don't know if I can answer this, but maybe here is one idea: Perhaps a guy weighs the pros and cons of asking a girl out, and if the pros outweigh the cons, he'll go for it.


ie, he may be attracted to you (pro), he'd like to ask you out (pro), but his current gf would kick his butt if she found out (CON!)




he thinks you're cute (pro) but your his best friend's ex (con). Instead, he'll ask out a girl he likes less than you, so he doesn't lose his friendship.




he likes you (pro), but he gets the impression you don't feel the same way (con) and he doesn't want to get rejected (con).


I dunno.... just an idea....

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ie, he may be attracted to you (pro), he'd like to ask you out (pro), but his current gf would kick his butt if she found out (CON!)




he thinks you're cute (pro) but your his best friend's ex (con). Instead, he'll ask out a girl he likes less than you, so he doesn't lose his friendship.




he likes you (pro), but he gets the impression you don't feel the same way (con) and he doesn't want to get rejected (con).


I dunno.... just an idea....


heh, at least I've tried that. You can count it mathematically as well


In the end that doesn't matter though, at least I didn't do as the mathemathical formula told me to

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If you are attracted to someone, you may not know them, thus it is impossible to like them. Like a stranger on a train or a beautiful woman/handsome man in passing.


If you like them, you don't have to be attracted to them. I like my friend Charlie but he's not my type.


If you are interested in them, chances are you like them and are attracted to them. As if you met that stranger on the train and got to know him/her better. Now you can like them because you know them. You are already attracted to them. thereforeeee, you are interested in them.

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