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My sister always seems so much in control. Always arguing with me and winning every argument against me simply because I don't like confrontations. I even attribute my passive, shy and low self-esteem to my sister's (and my mother's) manipulative, controlling and argumentitive personalities. My mother and my sister are extremely bright people, they can tell you are lying long before you finish speaking.


I just got a phone call from my sister's school today. The school councillor wanted to talk to my parents but unfortunately both were at work so he talked to me instead. He told me that there is strong evidence (reports from teachers and classmates) showing that my sister wishes to hurt herself. He has talked to her himself about this issue and of course she denied it completely. He even showed me a letter in my sister's handwriting asking her friends for permission to "let her go".


I can't believe it. I don't know how to raise this issue with my parents. They have enough stress in their lives, particularly my mother because of her diabetes (and old age). It's almost like my sister has multiple personalities. Almost like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. She always seems so sure of herself, so quick to point out how wrong you are, unafraid of confrontation, yet I am being told that she wants to hurt herself (and has hurt herself in the past, for example, banging her head hard against a brick wall).

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hi UnBreakableSpirit,

Youae going to have to. Best sit them down and say "i have something important to tell you, {long pause}, we received a phone call from sis conceller and he said that sis is trying to hurt herself in a bad way. I think u should talk to him about it soon.

Now about your sister, i was there, you would not see that i was going thru a tough time but when i went to boarding school away from family and friends, it was a different environment, a stressful and fearful enviorment. Partly created by the school environment and partly create by me myself. I suppose i had to come to terms that i saw the worldin a certain way but being in my school the world went against most of tyhe things i believed in and i could not control it. I got frightened. So i self hurt


understanding her perspective is important. being supportive is important. it is important that u dont look less of her. Just understand..


oped i help a little

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Most people who are undergoing emotional problems seem normal on the outside but are being torn on the inside. I think you should directly talk to your sister immediately before your parents. It could be something in her life that no one knows about (break up with a boyfriend, a school issue, she feels depressed etc...) It could be anything that she has been holding back from her family. I think you should confront her and allow her to confide in you, forget about being shy and passive, you need to stand up and take charge, because you sister's life might be in danger. If you feel the issue with her is too much for you to handle, or she is serious about suicide, then you need to tell your parents right away. She might have a depressive disorder and needs to be treated.


Good luck with everything

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I feel the problems in this family are too much for anyone to handle. To talk to her or if or parents talk to her, she will only fiercely deny it. Talk to her thinking that it will do her good? She will refuse to accept that excuse. She would seriously resent anyone trying to understand her on a deeper level. Its hard to talk to her about her problems when she doesn't acknowledge it herself. She said she always dislikes dishonest people, well she is being seriously dishonest with herself.

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