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Guys, what do you like about a girl?

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First off, YES personality is definitely more important than looks.


Smoking is a turn off for me. So is excessive makeup and perfume. I do not find that I am attracted to girls who flaunt their beauty by wearing skimpy clothes and the like. I mean, I'll acknoledge their beauty but wouldn't want to develop a relationship with them. I'm attracted to more reserved/quiet girls but a decent ammount of outgoingness is important. I like girls who are confident about how they look and don't play it up. For some reason, I have a tendency of being attracted to brunettes although that's probably just coincidence

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I agree with the above.. looks are the intial attraction for me.


How is a personality going to attract me in the first place- it's not visual. You look at someone and are attracted, you can't look at someone and think, wow they have a great personality- lets go over and speak to them.


You think wow, look at her. I'll go and speak to her. Then you get to know their personality. Looks are the basis of initial attraction.

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Athletic? Sort of. It's more like toned more than muscular. Muscular's kinda weird for a girl . Funny? Yeah, definitely. You don't have to be hilarious or anything, though that's cool if you are, but if you have a sense of humor that's not like boring or anything that's good. Personality important than looks yeah. I'd say its like a 60/40 thing.

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Yea, i think that u need a little bit of both. I mean yea girls with a great personality are nice, but I think that physical attraction plays a role in a guys mind.

Traits that I look for in a girl are, strong willed, NOT JEALOUS, funny (not immature tho), tease. And for looks I go for longer hair, just because I love to play with a girls hair, and thats pretty much it. I'm a hair kinda guy. But yea definatly can't be a jealous girl, because I have friends that are girls too, and as long as she can trust me with them, I feel like are bond is stronger. If you are jealous, it just makes guys want to be with another girl.


Hope it helps

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I think a lot of it depends on the age of the guy and the nature of the guy in general.


The age I am at right now, college-aged, looks are extremely important. But as you grow older, men start to learn that looks aren't as important and are a lot more likely to approach not quite as attractive women.


But, I agree that there has to be some attraction there. But that varies from man to man. As long as you look clean and do the best with what you've got, you're probably fine.

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First things First!..Girls that make the moves.Girls that r horny!!#$#$..get really annoying...its a big turn off to have a girl whu wants to make out everytime u meet..wants to hold hands 24/7..gets boring


A girl whu is stand-offish is a lot of fun..cuz then she keeps u waiting..and the time when she allows u to do things..it feels really great!!!

A girl whu is intrested in material stuff(say my girlfriend is intrested in bikes and nos a lot about them..such girls r really fun!!!)Rokss!!


Ok u cant say looks dont matter!! but yeah with looks if she has a good sense of humour and she is smart!! its really something i look for in every girl!

Last but not the least..She should talk a lot! Its a turn off if girls dont talk much..Girls whu r talkative r always a centre of attention wherever they go..and having a girlfriend like this..is always fun..cuz ur sure u ill never get bored..

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Personality is very imporant, girls who are dumb as rocks or, flirty with everyone is a hugeee turnoff.


I love short girls, and if you got a nice butt that helps too lol. But just honest and sincere sweet girls is really what i look for. Can be around my friends, etc. Kinky stuff too.

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I think good qualities for a girl is being a woman that is confident in herself, knows where she is going in life, doesn't "need" a guy but is willing to have a partner in her life's adventure. She's got common sense about things, she has a sense of humor about things which usually means she's smart and well rounded and well educated in the school of life. (college or not). Perhaps she is close to her family and knows what real love is like and what it's not like. She's got goals and interests and she can communicate passionately about them. She's willing to be adventurous sometimes but not recklessly. She can be honest about what she's thinking and feeling and can call a guy out if he's being dumb without belittling him.


Sure, a guy's biology may make him look twice at the "tart"-ed up girls sometimes but usually it is in response to a vague curiosity that passes quickly. A quality guy will take the time to hunt below the mere surface for the better qualities in a woman. Watch for those kinds of guys and make sure they get to see what you are like on the inside by being honest with them when they come to investigate. Often guys grow out of the "looking for a supermodel" beauty myth when they get older too.



P.S. I hear "supermodels" tend to be lonely because they get treated as objects and toys first and only rarely find genuine love that goes deeper than that.



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really to guys (at least to me physical attraction is the first thing you notice)but thats just the tip of the iceberg to guys if you could have the hottest girl in the world if shes high maintenence or materialistic or just a plain b**ch that girl turns from hot to ugly real fast,so yeah guys like hot girls duh .but what girl looks at a guy and can automattically tell his personality????none.so physical attraction is what everyone notices about someone they like first.end of subject

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