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How do I stop ~Dreaming~?

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Okay, there is this girl, I've known for like three weeks, and all I can do at night or in the shower is think about her. I don't even think about sex, I just think about being close to her, which is really odd for me, because normally when I daydream about a girl this much it is about sex. It's not like I do not want to have sex with her (believe me I do), but it is not the highlight of my thoughts. All I can think about is being with her, and getting close.

I think about her 24/7 and I always wonder if she thinks about me the same. Am I just so insecure, that I highly doubt that she would always be thinking about me.

Well, all I want to know:

1. Why don't I dream about her sexually

2. Do you think she thinks about me?




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1) It is probably because you are really in love with her. When you, constantly, daydream about having sex with a girl, she probably doesn't mean much to you.


2) Does she like you? If yes then she definitely thinks about you alot. maybe not 24/7 but alot. Chances are she only likes one or two guys link removed so probably she likes just one guy, you. What else will she do when she is bored? And even when she is very busy ur still on her mind.

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