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I need some ideas.... See I do things with my bf but would like to do a lot more (yes we've had sex but im a very sexual person and would like to do things like that more often). He has said just come up and start stuff but I tried to today and he was like eh and I think I need to learn how to be a little more (this will sound funny but...) sexy. Im really bad at it. the few times I've ever started anything i've A- kneed him in the balls B- palmed him in the balls or C- was a little too shy and ended up humiliating myself (yes the balls were all accidents). I know he is attracted to me because he has said so but I feel like I need to get more sexy as in the way I do things and so on.


what are some good ways to start things with guys and maybe turn them on a little more. and yeah whats some big turn ons for guys when they arne't already turned on to start with so if I felt like getting him that way I could.


thanks guys.

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For me lingerie isn't necessary. I think it's how open you are talking about sex to him whether it be over the phone or in person, but still having that sense of humor. During the act, just let him know what really turns you on & not to be shy vocally or physically.


For me I find that caressing or teasing one another helps out as well, but doesn't need to initially target the private areas. Its about exploring one another's different body part & seeing what triggers them.

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I know with me my girlfriend has various spots on my body where she can kiss/rub/drag her nails accross/massage that can get me going like (snaps) that!


Then again, I've never had the problem your b/f has. So maybe you could ask him if you could have a little exploration session, start kissing/touching him slowly all deliberately all over until you find something that triggers a good response!

Also, you could try asking him and seeing if he has any ideas of other ways you could turn him on, I know it might feel a bit weird to ask but if anyone knows what he likes its gonna be him right?


Good Luck!

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ANNIE24... YES!!! that is an amazing book. I got it at my local library!! I already had quite a bit of knowledge..but I wanted to see if there was anything I was missing, didn't know about etc. YEP.. learned a few tricks from LOU PAGET. The great part of her book is that she brings it down to your level and don't feel intimidated. She does it with humor and keeps it light.

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If you try too hard to be sexy, it just won't happen.... Focus on YOU feeling good. If you're comfortable with yourself, and him, maybe masturbate in front of him. That will surely get him going. You will feel sexy then too, and things will just come naturally.

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Slow movements with your head sorta around is head (sounds weird) but I mean sorta tease him a little. Make it look like you going to kiss him (move in slowly) then make ya lips almost touch them pass by maybe then kissing his neck softly or give it a small lick (not a big wet one). That alwasy works on me lol. Some people have a talent for just performing certain movements sexy like licking there lips and winking others just dont. So try them out and judge by his reaction if they work or not. Good luck.

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