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Think my G/F may be pregnant. Help me out.


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Alright me and my g/f had sex, and we used the withdrawal method at first, and I never came inside her, and I used a condom, but then again, never came with it on either. She was supposed to start on the 20th, and it's the 25th and she hasn't started her period. I have reasonable doubt, due to she is a major health freak, she runs cross country, and she's very stressed out over this. Can anyone give me some helpful advice?

Any help is appreciated.

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Withdrawl without the condom then with it is more precise. Before we used the condom (stupid why we didn't use it in the first place) I was no where close to coming, and I know myself well enough to know when it's time to pull it out, so I think the chances are slim as well.

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Go buy a kit. Find some time to be alone with her. Use the kit and be with her. Let her know you will be there for her no matter what.


Your chances are probably not great, but learn your lesson. And no more jsut one method of contracepotion, use two. Use a condom and a different spermicide, amke sure the spermicide does not weaken the condom. Do some research.

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First of all, my friend got pregnant off of precum so if you didn't wear a condom at some point, there is a chance that she might be pregnant. Stress is also a cause of late periods. On my birth control packet it reccomends that you NOT take a pregnancy test until the period is late for more than 5 days.


Go buy a kit. Find some time to be alone with her. Use the kit and be with her. Let her know you will be there for her no matter what.


Well said Beec! I would go by a pregnancy test that you can get at almost any convenient store. If it comes out positive, go to the doctor and get a more accurate test taken. Make sure you're there with her so that she knows she's not in this alone.


Chances are she's just stressed. All you can do is comfort her. The last thing she needs right now is one more thing to worry about.

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Just talked to her again. She is still really stressed out. What gets me is, she's like acting like she IS, 100%, no questions asked, and I'm like almost certain that she isn't. She is refusing to look at all the other possibilities, so I can't do too much. She said if she doesn't start come Thursday, she's almost certain she is, but I'm not going to say she is or isn't until she gets tested.

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well if she is pregnant, please make sure you are there for her, dont be a jerk. And just for informationalr purposes, she can have gotten pregnant from pre cum, it forms before you actually feel it coming. so dont think it is impossible, withdraw method is not failproof.

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By all means, I know precum is possible. But if she is pregnant, by all means, I'm not going to leave her in the dust. I'll be there for her and my kid until I die.


My only worry is telling my dad. My dad always told me that'd be the worst thing ever, and I'm just so afraid of him shutting me out, or my whole family shutting me out. This right here is my main fear...

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By all means, I know precum is possible. But if she is pregnant, by all means, I'm not going to leave her in the dust. I'll be there for her and my kid until I die.


My only worry is telling my dad. My dad always told me that'd be the worst thing ever, and I'm just so afraid of him shutting me out, or my whole family shutting me out. This right here is my main fear...


Sorry to say this to you, i know i hate when people say it to me. SUCK IT UP! You made your choice. You are going to have to live with it, wether you get shut out or not. But before you do anything rash, make sure that it is certain she is pregnant, at least get her a test, least you could do. and be there for the results.

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Yeah. Well time will soon tell. I will definitely buy her a test by this weekend if she doesn't start by Thursday. I'll keep everyone posted. Thank you all for your support and advice. If you could, keep it coming, as it sets some self assurance in me that everything is going to be ok, in any circumstance.

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Yes, you can buy a pregnancy test and that will give you your answer. However, I remember the one thing that I noticed before I even knew I was pregnant, was how tired I was. I could hardly stay awake during the day, because of all the hormone changes. Anyone who has ever been pregnant can remember how the first month you felt so tired, and that is how the second time around I knew I was pregnant long before the test told me.


Good luck

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Bams, I've never been pregnant, but my guitarist's wife just gave birth to a healthy baby boy.


I am one of the first people she called when she found out she was pregnant earlier this year, and I remember her telling me that she should have known right away because of the incredible energy she had. It's her third child, and she said that this was true for all of her pregnancies--she was constantly doing things and was way too energetic to ever sit down during the first few months.


It's a different experience for everyone.

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