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Hi there, My name is Rob. I am 19 years old i'm almost 20. I did a serach on Google to find your website and it linked me to another topic that doesn't quite help.


I have a situation. I Went to the bathroom about 6 months ago and i noticed some bleeding on my stools'. I thought nothing of it until it got slightly worse. and then it went away. I figured it was the stress i was put under from a recent Ex girlfriend.


Today I went to watch my cousin's band play down south about 40 miles from my house and i did alot of sitting. I then went to grab a quick hamburger and i did so. I got home and had to use a bathroom. I went to the bathroom and as i got up i looked down and noticed that the toilet had ALot more Blood in it then the last time 6 months ago.


The color was Bright red and i'd say less then a half a pint of blood. But it did cloud with the water and it was noticible. It was on my rectal when i wipped as well.


What should I do? I'm scared as hell and I currently do not have a doctor.


I have no records of pains, I have not noticed any problems with my back except that I have a slipped 3rd disc which affects movement every once and a while.


Please help me!

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DEFINITELY go to a doctor. We cannot diagnose you here, and while it may "just be" hemmorhoids, it could also be something far more serious - one of the signs of colon cancer can be blood in the stools, or it could be an infection in the intestines, or numerous other things.


Contact local doctors, clinics or even go to the emergency room at a local universtity hospital where you can work out a payment plan (it can be something really manageable like $1 a month depending on your situation).


See a doctor ASAP, the exam may not be fun, but it's worth your life isn't it?

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You not only need to see a doctor, you need to have one, period. Even a young guy needs to have a doctor to call whenever. Find one that you trust, and fast, my friend. Sign up for a health plan, whatever you can afford. Ask your folks or your school or whoever for help.

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Thank you all for the replies. I do alot of metal work at work but nothing involves anything heavy lifting. We have overhead cranes and jacks and such which we all swear by instead of having us do the manual labor.


The heaviest thing I've lifted alone is my manual transmission for my car which weighs only 40 lbs. But who knows. I guess thats enough to do it


I didn't expect the replies this quick. It is embarrassing. Especially at my age. Think not going to the chriopactor could have caused this? When i was 15 my mother said i'd feel better going and i went for my 20 visits a year that my insurance offers (my own not my parents) and i stopped because i had no more visits available. I had a few bad days and i got over it. I remember one time while i was welding on a certain angle my back poped and i had a sharp pain but it went away after standing up straight.


I'm going ot make an appointment for tomorrow night to the doctor i had when i had insurance through my parents. I wonder if there's a way i can tell them what the problem is without them announcing it when i get there ya know?.


This site is awesome and i am definitely happy i found it on google!

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Hey man, nothing to be scared of really. Yeah it is a bit on the embarrassing side for guys but really, doctors have seen everything and for most general practitioners they will see hemmorhoids a hundred times a year.


I generally don't like to generalise but females are so much better about taking their problems to a doctor than guys.

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They're right. Try not to worry. Yeah, it's a bit on the embarrassing side, but they have seen it many many times before. I know you are probably a bit scared too, but take a couple of deep breaths when you're in there. It always helps me. Let us know how you make out.

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Okay back from the doctors already.


Kinda pathetic, i went in, gave them my new insurance card information. sat down, paid the co-pay requirement. and then within 5 seconds i was in the doctors office sitting.


I waited like 2 and half minutes, and this new doctor comes in and says okay so at your age it's probably hemmorraging (spelling sucks sorry) and i already knew this but she just wrote out a prescription for a creme i have to insert 4 times a day and that was it. It lasted all of 2 minutes and i was gone.


She didn't look, didn't check my blood pressure, (which is high in my family and is supposed to be logged whenever i enter an office ... as it's written on my file). she asked if i had itching or burning which i don't, i have no pains, it happened last night and hasn't happened since. and that was it.


I think i'm going to go see a specialist because something tells me that a creme is not going to fix me up. And if i happened 6 months ago, and now, its going to happen again if untreated.


Thanks everyone i'll keep updating as time goes.

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Yes, use the cream. You never know. Then if it doesn't work go back in and see the same doctor. Tell her it didn't work and they should examine it closer. But specialists are always better.


She said the cream was for anti-itch, which doesn't suit me because i am not having itching problems. She also said it is an Anti-burn, which yet again i'm not having that problem.


Not that this will be a common accurance however i did go again for the 3rd time today and it came out normal as well no blood, maybe it's the stress i've been put under lately between the girlfriend/ex status it keeps fluctuating or my natural high blood pressure.


I would think a doctor thats known me since birth would take better care of me.

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