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Has anyone here ever had an unanswered question? But it's like a dilemma... Kinda like something happens to which there is no explanation for... I'm not talking about someone dying, or that kind of stuff, which I think that even though sometimes might seem unfair, it's part of the cycle of life. I'm talking about someone else's actions. Like you never found an explanation to why they did what they did, and back at the time you just wished to know why and if it was your fault or something you screwed up in. This has happened to me many times, and I've been able to let it go except for this once... I really don't wanna talk about it... I just wanna forget it. I mean, it had been well about 3 months without thinking about it, and then it came back this last week... I'll probably get over it, to suddently, 2 months from now, remember it again... How do I get rid of it permanently?


Hint: It was kind of a crush-type thing... And I feel so weak-minded b/c I still remember and I really shouldn't...

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a lot of the time, we just have to shrug things off. sometimes it takes a very long time to let things go and it does take work. Eventually though, you will move on. PM me if you want to talk about it but dont want to post about it


How do I do it? Is there something special I dind't do? I mean, I didn't think of this thing for over 3 months... Then with no reason whatsoever, I remembered it last week, and I wanna know the answer... I doubt finding out why will get me rest or if it's even possible... I just wanna forget, but how? I mean, don't think I'm obsessing, or something... I didn't mean to remember again, really, lol... This sucks. I guess I'll just try to forget by not even trying, lol...

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