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Should I be flirting?

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Ive had a boyf for three years and i love him alot- but im just wondering if its normal to flirt with other guys if your in a long term relationship? Im not cheating on him and wouldnt- its just that i like to have a mess round with the guys at work. My eyes wander alot too- im always checking out other guys and think many of my male friends are hot

Theres this gorgeous guy i know and i cant help but return his flirting cos he's so hot.


Does this mean I dont love my boyfriend if i think other guys are hot? Id never cheat but am tempted- ONLY flirt

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I guess it's pretty normal... You know, checking other ppl out while you're in a relationship. As long as you don't cheat, I guess you're ok. Just remember that there's a fine line drawn there and you shouldn't cross it. And whether you love your bf or not is something that YOU decide. Other's are welcome to disprove me, cause it's just what i think.

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you will send out all the wrong signals if you return someons flirts...


how would you like it if you b/f was checking out girls and flirting with them?


Well that might be true. But I mean, she's allowed to check other ppl out... I mean, that's almost impossible to deny that you do find other ppl hot, etc. What if it's some really lighthearted flirting too? Is it still a no-no?

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i think its an indivdual's opinion on what is enuff...personally, looking at other people is ok, but activly flirting in a way that will send them the wrong idea, and give them intentions is not. Basically It really just goes to show how much respect you have for your significant other.

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I think it is also unfair to give the guy you are flirting with the idea that you are attracted to him and that he might have a chance if he asked you out. You are setting him up for disappointment and if you do that at work you will get a reputation you would probably rather not have.

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Flirting is the beginning of a relationship. It's flirting with disaster to be honest.


You have to ask yourself: why do I like to flirt with other men apart from my BF? Is it the attention? Is it because you like to see them gain interest in you, knowing you won't satisfy it? Is it because you like the taste of the beginning of a relationship, but then also to pull back before an actual relationship would start?


Of course you will find other people attractive, that's not the issue. The question is: what do I do with that attraction. if your BF was hanging out in the bar with his buddies and found an attractive woman next to him and started chatting her up and flirting with her, would that be okay?


To me, flirting is bad news when someone is in a LTR. You really need to understand why you like to do it, what it does for you, and then compare that with what your LTR does for you, it seems to me.

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