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Will I ever get back my feeling of...normalness?

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Ok, so my desks in English are really close together, ok so my friend was bored and was drawing and stuff with a Sharpie. A lot of people are stupid and sniff Sharpies at my school. So I wasn't really aware that the chemicals could spread over into my area and into my nose then which could be inhaled and destroy a lot of brain cells. So then, I realized I was high because my vision kinda changed, it made me think of when you enter a pokemon battle that weird effect comes up LOL like its a swirling motion I can't explain it. Anyhow, I was totally spaced out and stuff and it was the stupidest thing ever. And now I feel stupid because my hippocampus (for those of you that don't know its a section in the brain that controls navigation, emotions, memory, etc.) and that is screwed up right now. And I feel kinda dumb and the left side of my head sorta above my ear (where the hippocampus would be located I guess if you looked at a brain...well the main portion of it isn't because it stretches out like a horseshoe but yeah) is like feeling funky like its a sort of a "sore" feeling but it doesn't feel sore, its kinda like a warm massaging sensation on that part of my head.


And I just feel weird and I don't like it at all, should I go to a doctor or something? I really have no clue what I should do about it.


When am I going to feel normal again, like when are the brain cells lost going to regenerate? Because, I don't want to stay ****** up like this. So, basically how much time will it take for my brain cells to regenerate??


Will I ever feel normal again...not a stupid feeling or anything like I'm feeling right now?


I'm not getting close to sharpies ever again, seriously those things should be banned, some dumb *** in my math, takes 3 of those things and inhales them really deep like everyday and yeah he's dumb as ****. So yeah, anyone reading this don't do it. Don't sniff anything that wasn't meant to be smelt, ex: white out(and kill you and speed up your heart really fast, and even die...I've never done it I know people that are screwed up because of this), sharpies, magic markers, etc. your just screwing yourself up and have no self-respect, but hey if you have a below-average IQ and want to be "cool" because everyones doing it whatever .

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Sniffing sharpies and white-out? Are you serious? Ummm, I would suggest seeing a doctor as I really have no idea how to cure a *sharpie-hangover*. Also, look into a rehab course for you and your friends for huffing. Thats really dangerous and you should really have someone help you with that. Maybe talk to the school guidance counselor.

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