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Jealous of girlfriend sunbathing

mr t

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My girlfriend is a sun worshipper and likes to wear only the tiniest thong while sunbathing in public. She knows she looks good loves the attention of other men looking at her. She likes to parade about virtaully nude. It makes me very uncomfortable. What should I do.

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your a guy right. put a thong on too.... embarrass her. i think she will get the picture. after all you cant knock it till youve rocked it


Hmm somehow I think this would be a bad idea for him


Anyway, I know how you feel, bro. Women are exhibitionists of their bodies (so are men, but not nearly to the extent that women are) and they know they are attracting attention. However, if you know she's a solid girlfriend and would never cheat on you at all, then take pride in knowing that no other guy will ever get to touch or hold what you are getting right now. You can't stop other guys from fantasizing about your girlfriend (it happens, I'm sure) so just try to temper those thoughts and know she has eyes for you only.

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My problem is not with the thong, but with the tanning! Even though a tan looks good when you are young, the tan is really a sign of skin damage! Haven't you seen those women who tanned their entire lives, and at 40, they look like dried up lizards? ewwww.... My mother never tanned, very pale, and looks 15 years younger than she really is.


I would get some pamphlets from a dermatologist, or do some searches online and tell her how bad she will look in 20 years if she keeps damaging her skin like this. That plus skin cancer... it's not worth it!!!


(This may make the thong issue go away, if she stopps sunning herself.)

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Does she flirt with them, or just appreciate their looking at her? If it's only the latter and no flirting or anything is going on, I'd recommend letting this go, because frankly many women very much enjoy being 'visually appreciated' by men and find this important for their self-esteem ... and that is a plus for her relationship with you as well, because a happy, high-self-esteem GF will be a better one.

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My girlfriend is a sun worshipper and likes to wear only the tiniest thong while sunbathing in public. She knows she looks good loves the attention of other men looking at her. She likes to parade about virtaully nude. It makes me very uncomfortable. What should I do.




How do you think your GF would react if YOU looked at another woman on the beach wearing a tiny thong like the ones she wears?


If she would not take any offense in you looking, then there's really nothing you can say that would not make you seem insecure to her.


However, if she would take offense to you looking, you may be able to use it as a strategy to show her that inviting a look by being nearly nude is just as bad as you looking at someone else.




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What you have a problem with is an inherent aspect of your gf's personality. If you cant deal with her behavior then its a good sign that there will be problems in the future. I would seek to change your attitude about the subject, I dont think you should be insecure about the issue instead be more secure.

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Jealousy is one of those bitter things, that can destroy a relationship - even over something like wearing a bikini.


Here's how I see it...it is her body, you cannot control what she wears. You CAN tell her how it makes you feel and you are uncomfortable, but it is her decision what to do with that information. And if you feel she is disrespecting you, then you can leave. But you can't control her.


If you trust her and believe her character, then well, I really think you should let this go. She is not cheating as far as I think of it..I don't personally while thongs on the beach are not my thing, I work very hard to have the body I do have, and take pride in it. I show it off - but its more for me and my bf then anyone else. I try to go for tasteful though over random acts of flesh..lol. But the bottom line is NO ONE else gets to touch anything other than my boyfriend (okay, the doctor does I guess). I am completely faithful and committed.


You may however want to let her know that tanning is absolutely TERRIBLE for her skin...sun damage causes a huge percentage of early onset wrinkles, and sun worshippers have horrible skin as they age. People I know who tanned lots as younger (even if they never burned) look way beyond their years as they age. I never leave the house without sunblock - year round (and I live in a climate where winter is horrid and -30s Celsius...but there is still sun!). Skin cancer is also at really high rates....very high among young women.

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