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found the perfect card for the perfect jerk

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hi dannysgirl,

no i just gave him the card. maybe it is revenge but i feel better. i spent all my time pleasing him and trying to make him love me. and when i gave him that card the look on his face was priceless. it was worth it to me. i feel like he got some of his own treatment he didn't know what to do.


usually i go all out on his b-day, he didn't that this year. so now he's thinking about it.

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yes i guess for most people it would have been, but for me i was bullied by him for a long time. How do you end a relationshp with a bully they always stay on top. he would have never listened to anything i had to say and he would have mocked me and ridiculed me. the card was unexpected he thought he was going to open something nice, but to his surprise it wasn't nice at all. i caught him when his guard was down for the very first time. so it was nice for me to be on top for once.

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Feel proud of yourself of getting out of that relatoinship.

Learn the lessons that you need to learn in order for that situation never to arise again.


There will be a man out there who will value you for who you are and not take advantage of it.


I normally don't agree with acts of 'revenge', but if it's what you needed then take it as closure and move on.

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yeah i do, it may sound silly but for some reason i find it funny because he was so thoughtless towrds me.


it's not really revenge just an act of not caring.


If you truly didn't care, you would not have given it to him at all. You are just showing him that you are hurting, angry, bitter, and that he got the best of you.


Want the best revenge?


Walk away from him and don't look back. Have a happy and successful life without him, and know that he does not need to know or see that you are surviving fine without him.

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i felt that the card represented how i feel. he doesn't care about me. so in return i don't care about him. now i can move on. the card said what i didn't have to.


While I agree the card is somewhat clever and revenge is a good thing if it helps bring you closure, I have to also ask whether or not you're truly sure that you're ready to move on or if you're really getting over him? Because if not, this sarcastic gesture may come back to haunt you later on. Like others have mentioned, if you were truly ready to move on, his birthday would have been more of a non-issue, in that, you wouldn't have felt the need to send him any birthday card, let alone a sarcastic one. The bottom line is to always look at the reaction of things from the receiver's point of view. What do you think he thought when he received the card? It might have cut him a little or bothered him somewhat, and on the other hand, he might have gotten a little chuckle out of it because it shows him that it is glaringly obvious that you are not yet over him, or at the very least, not yet over trying to get back at him.


I'm not denying that the gesture might have actually helped give you closure, however. Just asking you to think about what it means in the grander scheme of things.

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