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I just wanted to share with those of you familiar with my thus far with another step I've made.


Last night, I didn't have anything to drink and decided to go to a dance being held on campus. I basically sat and people watched for the first 45 minutes but when a slow number came on I asked a girl I knew who was there to dance and it was fun. What's more, I went on to dance with 3 additional girls that night. Here's the kicker. I was just hanging out on the dance floor near the edge and this one girl just comes up to me and asks my name. I introduce myself and we talk for a bit. Another slow number came on and I asked her to dance and she said yes. We danced all through one song and when the next one started, she didn't even make any signs of stopping so we went right into another dance.


The neat thing is, I didn't know this girl at all and she came up to me. I didn't get a number or anything but I adder her as a friend on facebook and I might try to chat with her sometime. In one night, I had more dances than I had in my entire pre-university life (during which I had none LOL).


I definitely plan on going to more dances and getting some skills.






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Yea, one thing I've learned, even tho I'm your age too man, is that girls love to dance. If you can dance...you're in so easily. But I don't mean just grinding like it seems to be at about every party and club you go to these days....you have to know how to dance and give her some space at the same time. Anyways, get that girls number....if she asked you to dance, that's def. not a bad sign, ask her next time you see her. Good luck!

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.if she asked you to dance, that's def. not a bad sign


actually, I asked her, but she was the one who came up and started talking to me. Anyways, it was fun. There's a balroom dance club here which I think I'll check out sometime. I haven't been going because they've only been offering thigs like tango but I think I'll start going I need to learn a bunch of stuff. I'm just drawn to the slower tempo stuff rather than salsa.



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