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It just keeps getting better

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To all of those who have advised me..........thank you............and sorry.


after 6 weeks of solid nc, i wrote an email, insanely benign, actually pretty friggen funny i thought.


Anywho...........I went to my favorite bar to have a bevy, which happens to be the bar we used to frequent, i went there the other day, and ran into a bunch of her friends, subconsciously, i think i wanted to again.


Well, i ran into her sister,(my luck is awsome..........or terrible) who asked me if i was dating anyone. Good sign.................yeah?..............no.................she said good.


Well somehow we got into a in depth discussion about our relationship, it may have slipped out that i was in no way over her, and that i was actually still quite in love with her. I'm quite sure this information will get back to her.



Just asking for some knowledge here...........i promise i'll listen.


A. Will this have the same outcome once she hears about it, of sending flowers and begging her back?

B. Should i just take a crack at getting her back, now that the fit has already hit the shan?

C. How much, would you, if it were you read into her sister saying good, to me goin' on a couple of dates with another chick?

D. How big of a weak wuss, did i come off as, by being willing to discuss my feelings, and then divulging the sacred info?



thanx again......................and again.............1000 heads are better than one.

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A. yes... don't do any more imo.

B. no... how much more abuse do you need?

C. yes... go for it! But do it for yourself and not as a way to get back at your ex.

D. I wouldn't call you a wuss. A pu*sy maybe. Just kinding. Your hurt, your not over her, and you are probably vulnerable. It's understandable imo. Then again, I'm a guy who is a psy major so I am pretty comfortable with feelings and emotions in general but other guys may think otherwise, but who cares!


As for the funny email, care to post? It's suppose to be funny right?

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A. Will this have the same outcome once she hears about it, of sending flowers and begging her back?

-Yes, never ever ever ever talk to her family or friends about how you still love her and blah blah blah. If you talk to them, you are having fun, you are learning a lot about yourself, you are slowly moving on. Never ever talk about the relationship. If they ask, just say, you dont want to talk about it.


B. Should i just take a crack at getting her back, now that the fit has already hit the shan?

-NO!!! She dumped you. She has to come back to you. Move on with your life. Tell me this, when you first met, what were you like? Were you the person you are now, weak, dependent, sad, lonely, gloomy? No, you were carefree, fun, smiling, loving life. Would you want to get back together with the person you are now? NO. I know its hard but move on and learn to love life and yourself. ITS HER LOSS.


C. How much, would you, if it were you read into her sister saying good, to me goin' on a couple of dates with another chick?

-Who cares what the sister thinks. She is saying good b/c its good you are seeing other people. What is she going to say, oh thats not good, you shouldnt be seeing other people? Remember though, you are dating other people but you are not over your ex. That really doesnt sound good. Try to move on and enjoy life. Get it in your head that you dont need her. Remember, you cant fake you are really happy because your body language will tell a different story. Its really hard to fake you are happy when you are truly really really sad.


D. How big of a weak wuss, did i come off as, by being willing to discuss my feelings, and then divulging the sacred info?

-I wouldnt say you are a weak wuss. Just stupid. LOL. Remember, her friends and family are the enemy. Remember that they are there for HER not you. My ex's sister and me got along great. She felt like I was a brother to her but in the end, she is my ex's sister. I will talk to her as a friend but I will never ever again tell her how I feel.

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