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what would you do if your boyfriends best mate came on to yo

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hi everyone, i am new to this and have yet to learn how this actually works. yet i would appreciate some help.....

to say that i have been with my boyfriend for around 4 months now i can say with my heart that i love him, and feelings returned. but he does lack in one aspect; i love a man to talk dirty to me and this is where he feels intimmidated! this may be because he is older than me but i felt that we had got past that stage. age shouldnt matter.

this is where his best mate fits the bill.....

he has always been a good mate and easy to talk to, both him and my boyfriend think the world of each other. yet he is DIRTY MINDED! and i love it, i seem to be more intimate with him than my boyfriend, im dont feel that i am doing anything wrong, by talking both on the phone and net dirty!

at times i do feel guilty, how would you approach this subject, now that the best mate wants to be more than just 'dirty minded' friends???


i didnt expect him to come on to me, just talk.

i guess he was provoked. do you think?

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Well what you need to do is convince your bf that you need dirty talk. Tel him you need him to understand that you want that from him and only him but if he can't do it you're not going to be happy in the relationship. Let him know you love him, and that there's nothing wrong with it and not to be afraid.


If he can't give you what you need you should call it off, give him time a week or two to figure it out. If you want to talk with him ever again, DO NOT SLEEP WITH HIS BEST MATE. This can really hurt his friendship with you and his mate. It won't make you feel good about yourself and in rare cases cause you to become sexually repressed.


You deserve to have someone who can satisfy you sexually, and if your current bf can't do it... find another... but give him time and try not to cheat on him.


Hope this helps.

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Your personality can mean disaster for someone not prepared. I digress to ask your age, but I'm fairly sure you're younger than me


Anyways, DO NOT SLEEP WITH HIS FRIEND NOW OR LATER! Have respect for the love that you have given your boy, and don't trample his heart. If ALL you need is dirty talk, then you'll have to sit down and have a heart to heart with him about it. It's not all about what you say, it's in how you say it, and how he UNDERSTANDS it. Make sure this is done now, and you'll alleviate future recurrances (you may have to remind him every now and again, but don't make a big issue out of it). If he can't handle it, then it's something he is not willing to work on, or you just need to find someone better suited for you... NOT HIS MATE!!!

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i have some pretty simple advice, and i hope you do follow it. First off, whatever you do, DONT sleep with, or fool around with his best friend. onestly, i dont even tihnk u shouyld be talking dirty with him at all, and if you decide that you really want to, be honest with your boyfriend about it.

next, you say you you are sure you love him. However, you say that something like talking dirty in the bedroom would end it?!?! Sex should NEVER be the most important thing in a relationship. ALso, the relationship is still young, only 4 months. tell him you really want it, and u would really appreciate it if he just tried. ease him into it, make him feel comfortable with it. if you truly love him, you should be more than happy to do this. make him udnerstand what you want, and if he truly loves you, he will try as hard as he can to give you what you desire, emotionally and sexually. but dont do nething with his friend, and like i said i tihk u should stop the dirty talk completely, i know that if i was in a serious loving relationship and found out that my g/f was talking dirty constantly with my best friend i would be very very pissed/upset with her, and with my best friend

hope this helped =)

if you need some1 to talk to PM or AIm me(all is FLAWed).


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