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Does my friend like me?

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Me and my best friend, Yuki (that's one of her many nicknames), have been best friends since we met almost 6 years ago. She is very beautiful in every way and I like her. I already told her that I liked her at the end of the previous school year. But I'm not too sure if she likes me back.


I'll list some of the things that I believe are signs:


*She always says "Hey Sam" to me everyday, everytime we meet. Even if we met 90 minutes ago.

*Me, Yuki, and a couple of the other girls eat lunch together and she usually smiles at me when she is about to get up to get some food.

*Me and Yuki were at the movies with a couple of the other girls and she sat beside me. Her foot kept bumping and rubbing against my leg.


*When I told her that I liked her she said that it sucked that I was moving because we won't be able to do anything about it. (I convinced my parents to stay here, so I didn't move and I won't move)


*Whenever we look at each other she smiles.


*She is always trying to get me to talk to her. (I get very nervous and shy around her)


*Also I am the only guy she hides from her parents. Her parents don't even know about me. We never met, let alone saw each other. (She seems to be protecting me from them)


*You know what they say about how your gut is always right (You know, when you get that gut feeling about something)? Well, one of the girls invited me, Yuki, and 3 of the other girls to the movies. I was invited at the last second. I told Snow the next time I saw her that I was invited to go to the movies with them. I was waiting at the movie theater when and where we were supposed to meet. Everyone came. Snow was the only one wearing a dress. It was tight and showed some cleavage. When I saw it I got a gut feeling that if I weren't invited, she wouldn't have worn that dress.


Does she like me?

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ummm its really hard to tell from my point of view because there is no direct hints. She may be like that naturally in her personality. The only reason im going to say yes is because when you were going to move she seemed keen. But the only real person who can tell you is yuki. Ask her, tell her you like her. worst case scenario she says no and you go bakc to being friends. heres a quote i live by and it works in alot of things not just girls "the only thing worse than failing (being rejected in this case) is not knowing".

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ummm its really hard to tell from my point of view because there is no direct hints. She may be like that naturally in her personality. The only reason im going to say yes is because when you were going to move she seemed keen. But the only real person who can tell you is yuki. Ask her, tell her you like her. worst case scenario she says no and you go bakc to being friends. heres a quote i live by and it works in alot of things not just girls "the only thing worse than failing (being rejected in this case) is not knowing".


I already told her that I liked her. Could you give me some examples on how to ask her?

I've been wondering for the past hour, would it be alright if I asked her what she would say or do if I asked her on a date? I mean, would it be a good idea?


i cant really tell for sure... teh smiling thing usually means that a girl does... but she envited you at the last second??? thats not a good sign. ask her out to eat or something sometime... how did she react when you told her that you liked her?


No. Yuki didn't invite me. One of our friends invited both of us at the last second.

Her reaction? She just said that it sucks that I was moving because we wouldn't be able to do anything about it. That is all she said and I know when she is being serious, and she was being serious. She lets people know what's on her mind if it has to do with them.

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just say to her you wanna go out for dinner on saturday. and if she says yes then at the end of the date lean in to kiss her and see what happeneds


She doesn't really like dinner dates. Her parents are extremely over protective of her when it comes to guys. I'm the only guy her parents haven't met. And she would rather not have her parents figure out she is on a date.


She doesn't want her parents to scream at me or anything. So she keeps me a secret from them. This has been going on for our entire friendship. She doesn't want her parents to hurt me. We hang out at the mall but we always bring one of our friends with us.


The only places we've ever been to are the arcade and the movies.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
well stuff like

smiles, if they watch your lips when you talk to them, dilated pupils, laughing at all your jokes, copying movements, playing with hair, touching her cheek/chin when talking to you, or touching your arm sholder ect, hope that helps and good luck ^^


Pkay. Thanks.

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