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What should I do?


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Okay this guy im dating had a fight last night.. well really not a fight it was more me getting all mad at him and then when he txt'd me to try and talk about it I just txt'd back and told him to bring my cd's to my house tomorrow. I was mad so I didnt wanna talk! Anywaze this morning he sent me a txt and said whats up. i said i was going to work and he told me he would bring my cd's over after work. well so he comes over like 20 mins after i get off but i got off early. anywaze he knocks on the door and i didnt anwser it cuz i was changing. when i got done he had left so i txt'd him and asked if he was just over. no reply. I go outside and he left my cd's in my car. All day long his phone has been turned off when i call, and he hasnt came back over, called, or txt'd me or even emailed me cuz we talk online sometimes. So im just wondering what his problem is. Its like 3 in the morning and still nothing from him. its weird his phone is off cuz he's usually pretty atached to it. Whats up with him and what should i do?

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