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Why does stupid crap happen to me?!


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Ok well...this is so odd, like yea Im embarrased to post this. I have too many stupid things happen to me in relationships that I just want to give up on dating/serious relationships for a long time. Anyways....It started that a guy that my friend Jess is friends with with had a crush on me, and I have a crush on him. He tells my friend he has a crush on me etc, and she tells him that I have a crush on him. We talk online about every other night and its going good. Well he has a Gf and he doesnt really want to be with her, but he is planning on breaking up with her. He tells me how much he likes me and how he wants to hang out and stuff...lol. Anyways, then came a week later while talking online. He starts asking me if Im a virgin (we are both in highschool) and personal things it kinda buged me but I only gave him one word answers. Then he asked me the most embarrassing question "do you shave your...." and yea make a guess, and it doesnt have to do with legs or armpits...haha. So I didnt really pay attention to the question and I wrote "No". Then I read back to it and thought, "Oh crap, why did I answer!" So then he kinda thinks im werid because he thinks that girls should Shave because its healthy and he said " I dont know if its good or bad that you dont..." and saying that he thinks of me differently. So i kinda felt badly and he was telling me that he likes me the same, just that he thinks its different. So then later it still kinda bothered me so I told him that, I never had anyone ask me personal questions like that. Also that I was disappointed with him because I thought he was a great guy. Then he starts to apologize, and say things like " I don't want to lose you as a friend or more" " I like you A LOT" and " I don't want to screw this up" " I hate myself for asking you those questions" and he apologized many times. So I accepted his apology. So anyways, I see him a couple days later and he is less friendly/talkative than usual. Today online, I emailed him a friendly "hi" and he only wrote back a brief letter like "yea..same".Usually he would write me something right away and today he hardly made an effort to talk to me. My question is should I just lose this guy. I feel bad because I liked him a lot and now its ruined because of a stupid thing. But also he kinda was a Pinhead...any advice?

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So then he kinda thinks im werid because he thinks that girls should Shave because its healthy and he said " I dont know if its good or bad that you dont..." and saying that he thinks of me differently. So i kinda felt badly and he was telling me that he likes me the same, just that he thinks its different.


I do NOT know where this perv gets his information! Most of the women I know don't shave that area -- can you say "razor burn"? Or how about "nick"? And I'm not even going to mention hot wax!!

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Hi peeps,

I may be misjudging but it sounds like he was just trying to get in your pants and strangely enough only wanted to if you shaved... Now that he knows you dont it seems that he has backed off. I just get a feeling that he was being just a little shallow, maybe he realizes that he really does just want to be friends with you, and so isnt putting as much effort into socializing with you which is sad. But you have to judge for yourself. Either way your no weirdo for not shaving he is just ignorant of what people "usually" do and do not do.

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Yeah..he sounds like garbage. Trust me, guys who talk to you like that at the beginning are either really stupid or perverts. Listen to the voice of unfortunate experience. I had a guy talk like that at the beginning, who thought we could be "more" and maybe date and promised me lots of things (who also incidentally told me he preferred girls who shaved down there and that I should do it because mine was like a forest), and a year and a half later I realize that I should have dropped him when he thought it was ok to talk to a girl like that before he really knew her.


Find a respectful guy. You will enjoy yourself a lot more. If you are feeling reluctant, trust your gut.

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Hi peeps,

I may be misjudging but it sounds like he was just trying to get in your pants and strangely enough only wanted to if you shaved... Now that he knows you dont it seems that he has backed off. I just get a feeling that he was being just a little shallow, maybe he realizes that he really does just want to be friends with you, and so isnt putting as much effort into socializing with you which is sad. But you have to judge for yourself. Either way your no weirdo for not shaving he is just ignorant of what people "usually" do and do not do.


I just think he backed off becasue of the whole question and my answer. Yea and he told me that hes not that shallow...yea right. lol.

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