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FOR GIRLS: How to handle the Breasts?

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My Girlfriend and I usually take off our tops when making out.

I would just like to know from the Girls here, how exactly you like your Man to feel/touch your Breasts....I have my own personal techniques and I think they work, but I would like to learn some more.

And also, if she laughs while I rub, is that a good thing or a bad thing? I kind of would feel stupid to have to ask her what exactly she would like me to do.

Thank You.

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you may feel stupid asking her, but its the best way to know what she likes


You may be right. She does kind of hint to me of what I should do but I'm not sure if I do what she wants. Like, she will sometimes pull herself up so that her chest is near my face, thereforeeee I think she wants to be licked and things like that.

But the thing that bugs me is that she laughs and I'm not sure if its at me or because I'm doing something awkward? And when I ask her why she doesn't say why?

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I know what you mean about the giggling/laughing. I sometimes giggle/laugh when I'm with my lover, and he'll stop and ask what's wrong, and I'll be like..not it's a good thing. Best thing I can say, if you do something and she doesn't stop you, she's enjoying it. I'm not gonna offer any techniques or anything because each woman is different, and I like things a bit differently from A LOT of people....

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I dont think he should go wo-da wo-da wo-da...cuz the girlfriend might get freaked out and run out of the room topless thinking "is he having a seizure?!!" but yeah go with that whole shaking the head thing...we love that.....


LOL yeah I was laughing thinking about writing this one... 8)

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  • 1 year later...

What I usualy do is rub the nipples gently... maybe just pass the palm of my hand touching just the nipples, and somtimes grabbing the whole breast. She loves it... once i asked if she ever orgazmed from touching her breast and she said she didnt, but yesterday while i was doing that she said "you know what? continue doing that and I may even get an orgasm."

She really likes it, and i enjoy seeing how she likes it. i even prefer seeing her enjoying that, than her giving me a h/j...

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This is a funny and fun topic. lol. I don't know why the breasts cause so much mirth, but they do. It is good that we laugh! When your g/f does this, it is probably because initially, it tickles and also because the nipples are highly sensitive and then as you lick, rub and nibble them the feeling changes and becomes erotic. Doing the wadayadayada thing would be kinda fun, lol but not erotic. Playfulness during sex is good though.

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