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I want her to Bite me! But she is scared!???!?

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My Girlfriend and I love eachother so very much, like, Canadian Bacon and Pineapple- virtually inseparable!

We've only been together for a couple of Weeks now, we Kiss all of the Time, and make out big time at the Night on Weekends

No Sex yet....lol..I'm kind of shy about that, but I plan on overcoming my shyness one Day and we'll see what happens.


Okay, enough of the introduction and onto my question:

I have this [thing] for biting. Like, I would just love for Her to bite me, like on the Lips, Chest, Arm...whatever! I asked Her once before and she said, "Sure!" and bit my Arm but it was nothing! It didn't even leave a mark or anything, we both laughed it out and continued Kissing or whatever. I asked Her to bite me harder but she said she didn't want to hurt me, and I said not to worry about it and that I wouldn't mind. But she just keeps saying the thought of it just makes Her feel bad because she doesn't want to see me hurt.


Am I seriously mental for wanting this? I know it's probably not normal or anything, but it's just something I think I will enjoy.

Is there something I could do/say to Her to make her feel more comfortable with this?

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I don't think it's weird, everyone has their own thing. Personally I love to love bite my lover (sometimes more than a love bite during passionate moments). It really intensifies everything for me, strangely I do not like to be bitten...


As you grow older you will find everyone has different sexual tastes so in realitiy "normal" sex seems to be the most abnormal some of the time!

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Nahh... you sound normal. Just say I really like it when you do this... and when she does it, make sure to tell her how good that felt. I think over time, she'll learn.


Glad you are holding off on the sex for a while.


Good luck!



Let her know you love it!

Teach her how you like to be kissed/bit.

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