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Looking back at all my posts...

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Hey everyone,

I havent posted on here as a new topic for a long while. I found this site in about april time and from then on i posted regularly to get help and support from everyone on here after my boyfriend of 4 years ended things out of the blue. Today i decided to look back at all my posts from the start. I always remembered the hurt he put me through but reading it again has made me a little angry. He did so many things to me, treated me so badly but yet i was posting on here saying how much i needed him and wanted him back. With the clouds away from my eyes and the pain eased away, i am slightly angry at myself for letting him treat me so awful but yet i was the one asking what i could do to get him back and texting and calling him asking to meet up. Why did i degrade myself so badly? What did i want a man back who left me at the flick of a switch and enjoyed the torture he put me through just to give himself an ego boost?


Now i can only learn from that experience and know that no man will ever be treating me that way and the result being me begging him back! For everyone on here posting that has just gone through a bad breakup...please remember that you are a person aswell...a good person who deserves love and devotion. There are so many people out there who are waiting to find someone and treat them the best they can. Why are we wasting our time on people who look down on us and enjoy seeing us in pain so that it makes them feel amazing about themselves? Devote time to yourself, give your heart a break from crying and just go out and enjoy what the world has to offer! The world aint about needing someone in your life...its about having someone in it who will treat you the best they possibly can! x

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You sound like you are in a pretty good place now. And that's excellent.


As far as why you did it, it is becasue he gave you somethign emotionallly, and you kind of became reliant on that, addicted in a way. And you wanted your fix.


Look at it now as you being clean and sober from that bad junk he was giving you.

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I don't think my ex left me so that she could look down on me in pain. Only later on when I started being all crazy she would treat me really badly. But when the breakup just occurred she was sad about it too (she chose to break up with me)


The only thing that was wrong in our relationship was because we weren't in the same country(i moved away for studies)

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i have encountered people with the same how to say dilusion i never understood why and no matter how much you tell them to get away and how bad they are treating them they can be so stubborn that they will just ignore your advice and then later your left picking up the pieces of what could have been avoided if they had listened to you.


other advice think about the other people you confide into talk to about it listen to there advice dont disregard it since i have heard all too often the same story as mine that things could be prevented if your listend to friends they are not out to get you because they are your friends.

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