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Alesse: How long until fully effective????

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I'm on Alesse too. If you've just begun this type of B.C., it takes 7 days for it to be effective and to absorb it into your system -IF- you take it every day wihout missing a dose. It is recommended that you use some other form of B.C. at this time. After this period, the Pill is 99.9% effective alone, and condoms are used with it as extra protection as well as blocking STD's. However, if you're sure your bf is STD-free, you should be fine. I do recommend condoms as a back-up, though, just to be extra careful.


Beware of 'spotting' and periods a week early, however, as I have experienced this on Alesse for several months as a side effect.

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It means strokes. You can get blood clots from taking the pill. In her eye's, probably means she'd get burst vessels. Now why would it hit her eyes??? well... go figure.


She's right its one of the side effects. But moreso if the woman is over the ages of 35 and a smoker. Then the chances of stroke and heart attack while on the "Pill" is greater.


Isn't that just the peachiest thing you've ever heard of... eeehhh?? yeah, its wonderful being a woman sometimes. Absolutely wonderful.

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It means strokes. You can get blood clots from taking the pill. In her eye's, probably means she'd get burst vessels. Now why would it hit her eyes??? well... go figure.


She's right its one of the side effects. But moreso if the woman is over the ages of 35 and a smoker. Then the chances of stroke and heart attack while on the "Pill" is greater.


Isn't that just the peachiest thing you've ever heard of... eeehhh?? yeah, its wonderful being a woman sometimes. Absolutely wonderful.


unfortunately the one that scares me alittle bit about being on birth control. Is hearts attacks and some other health problems run in my fammily So I have to be carefull

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